Title: 主動培養核心能力以創造競爭優勢:以鴻海企業為實證案例
The Creation of Competitiveness through Pro-Active Development of Core Competencies: A Case Study of Hon Hai Precision Corporation
Authors: 陳芃婷
Peng-Ting Chen
Dr. Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 核心能力;動態能力;成長策略;競爭優勢;鴻海;Core Competences;Dynamic Capability;Growth Strategy;Competitive Advantage;Hon Hai Precision
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 企業在某一時刻擁有的核心能力應與企業當時的競爭優勢有關。然而,此僅為靜態的觀點。既有的核心能力並無法確保企業在變動的競爭市場中可以維持競爭優勢。為此,近年來學者提出動態能力理論,是指企業回應環境變動而持續學習、適應與提升的能力。 本研究之目的在探討企業何以能夠擁有具備競爭優勢的核心能力?企業在成長的各階段其核心能力是如何形成的?本研究觀察到許多基業長青的成功企業能夠制定合理可行的長期策略,主動依計畫逐步準備好進入下一個新市場必須具備的新核心能力,因此能夠獲致成功。 本研究拓展動態核心能力侷限於執行層面之理論,將企業核心能力之創造從短期適應環境的觀點提昇至公司層級長期策略演進之觀點。 為了要能夠在新的目標市場成功競爭,企業在制定成長策略時,需要考量企業現有的資源與現有的核心能力,分析未來的產業與市場機會,主動挑選新的目標市場,以及在此新市場成功競爭所需具備的新核心能力,依此目標制訂新核心能力的培養計畫,在學習與合作的企業文化薰陶之下,以堅定的執行意志按計畫實施。這是企業核心能力如何形成之關鍵。 鴻海精密成立於1974年,如今已成為世界上最大的電子製造服務廠商。本研究以鴻海為實證案例,呈現其在不同階段之核心能力是如何在其各階段成長策略的導引下,按部就班地執行核心能力培養計畫而形成,以至在進入各新市場時均能擁有競爭優勢。
It is widely accepted that a business’ core competences contribute to its competitive advantage. This is only a static view of a company’s competitive advantage and its core competences at that moment. However, there were companies with unique core competences and successful records but still failed in fierce market competition. This reflects a fact that core competences do not guarantee competitive advantage in market competition. Some scholars came up with the theory of Dynamic Capability which addresses the capabilities of learning, adapting, and upgrading core competences in response to environment changes. Dynamic capability only explained the short term evolution of a company’s core competences in a reactive mode to market changes. However, the long term successes of many companies indicated that they can proactively prepare new core competences that they deem essential to their future successes. This study extended a company’s core competences from a static view, and a short term adapting perspective, to a long term evolutionary perspective. At different point in time, a company should possess a different set of core competences sufficient to offer the company competitive advantage in deliberately selected target markets. In order for this company to succeed in the next market, a growth strategy must be constructed with considerations of existing core competences, existing resource availability, selected new target market, required core competences to succeed in this new market, and the forecast of the economic environment when launching the next phase campaign for the new market. Hon Hai Precision Corporation was founded in 1974 and has become the world’s number one Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) provider. Hon Hai has always selected its target market and has prepared, in advance, for its new core competences accordingly. Hon Hai was used as a case to demonstrate the model of long term evolution of core competences.
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