Title: 界繫
Authors: 廖陳良
Liu,Yu Tung
Keywords: 界繫;廖陳良;亞洲城市走廊;後設空間;重歸自然;遠東建築獎;人造光合細胞;海洋台灣;pre-POSITION;Liao,Chen-Liang;Asia City Corridor;Metaspaces;reTURN to the nature;feidad;Artifical Green Cell;Ocean of Taiwan
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 界繫 摘要 關於 pre-POSITION, preposition是介系詞的意思,這個詞本身也具有組織和辨識的意義, pre跟postion拆開,前者有前置之意,後者為位置之實。 在一組相對的基本單元中,將兩個原本也許無關的元素,透過所有經驗知識,規則的建立,以及觀者自身的認知,聯繫起了前後的關係。在所有被探討而形成的空間中,所有建築元素之間的關聯,無一沒有這種組織和辨識的意義。 ”界繫”一詞在此,除了說明一種組織辨識關係之外,同時也說明了相互異質的空間,在某種狀態之間的關係,在界線之外的關聯。如何在各種相互異質的空間中,藉由某些元素的串連,創造出一組新的空間關聯性,是本文所要討論的議題。 第一章--亞洲城市走廊 上海_城市舞台,討論的設計議題,著重於浦東與浦西,如何藉由打破以”國家”為區隔的觀念,而轉以”亞洲文化基因”為串聯空間的要素,作為整體世博會員區規劃的重要概念,是為大尺度都市開發規劃之”界繫” 。 第二章--後設空間 城市中的低空飛行,討論的設計議題,著重於都市各種原本毫無相關的運作系統,尋找其背後微妙相互牽連的關係,並藉由重新組構”關係”的手段,創造一套新的都市運行概念,是為都市內在關聯之”界繫”。 第三章--重歸自然 新空間物種,討論的設計議題,著重於重新思考建築本身存在的需要性,以及時間性,在最細微的生命體裡,找到共通於生命,空間,與時間的自然法則,是為生命過渡空間之”界繫”。 第四章--人造光合細胞 屋頂能源中心,討論的設計議題,著重於現存的都市景觀問題,如何能以反轉的手法,將原本都市頂層的表皮,做一個新型態的轉換,是為都市空間與市民生存的重新”界繫”。 第五章--海洋台灣,討論的設計議題,著重於討論環繞台灣的海岸線,在台灣獨特的移民背景和心理狀態,於海岸空間中自然型塑出”阻隔線上的有機跨越”這樣獨特的空間特質,並藉由幾個影響台灣海岸線使用的關鍵,描繪出一組新的輪廓關係,是為無名之處到有名之處過程之”界繫”。
pre-POSITION ABSTRACT ABOUT pre-POSITION, “Preposition” is a word used especially before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time method, etc. In addition, this word also has the meaning of organization and identification. If we divide it into “pre” and “position”, the former has the meaning of before and the later has the meaning of location. In a set of relative units, two elements, which were irrelevant to each other, are connected by the experience, the knowledge, the rule from the observer. In all of the space, built by discussion, there are no correlation between architecture elements without the meaning of organization and identification. In this portfolio, the term, preposition, not only explains the relationship between these two meanings, but also discusses the correlation between heterologous space in a distinctive situation. The interest of this portfolio is to discuss how to create a new correlation between various heterologous space by connecting different elements. Chapter One -- Asia City Corridor-Shanghai, Scenery-World EXPO 2010 The issue to be discussed is focused on how did Pu-Dong and Pu-Xi take the concept of “Asia culture gene” to be the element to connect the space and break the concept of national divisions. This is a “preposition” of large scale urban development and also an important idea for the planning of the World Exposition regions. Chapter Two – Metaspaces, Sky Stadium This chapter is focus on various irrelative operation systems in a city and try to find out their relationships behind the scenes. Moreover, we will show the “preposition” of the internal correlation in a city by re-organizing the relationships to create a new operation concept of a city. Chapter Three -- reTURN to the nature, Autotrophily space The concept of this section is to rethink the demand and the timeliness for the existence of architecture. The “preposition” of life-pass space is to find the general laws of nature for the lives, space, and time in a tiny life. Chapter Four -- Artifical Green Cell, Roof Solar Center In this section, we will focus on the existing problems about urban landscape. The new “preposition” of urban space and residents of a city is how to transfer a new outer skin for a city by a reverse way. Chapter Five -- Ocean of Taiwan, From NOwhere to NOWhere Finally, we will focus on the discussion about the sea shore of Taiwan. The “organic stride over the cut-off line”, a distinctive characteristic of space, was built naturally in a typical background and mentality of immigration. Then, a new outline has been drawn by some key points which influenced the usage of the sea shore of Taiwan. This process is the “preposition” from NOwhere to NOWhere.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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