標題: 中學生網路禮儀課程設計、發展與評鑑
The Design, Development and Evaluation of Netiquette Curriculum for Taiwan High School Students
作者: 蘇怡如
關鍵字: 網路禮儀;中學生;問題導向式學習;教學設計;Netiquette;high school students;Problem-based Learning (PBL);Instructional Design (ID)
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究旨在針對台灣中學生的需求,開發網路禮儀(netiquette)課程,根據計惠卿、張杏妃(2001)提出之問題導向學習(problem-based learning, PBL)模式,依循分析、設計、發展、實施、評鑑五大步驟,發展網路禮儀教材「網路小白不要來」、「網路溝通通ㄅ通」與「拒絕信騷擾」,讓中學生在問題解決的真實情境下,了解網路禮儀的意義與各項內涵,體認網路禮儀之必要性,明白網路禮儀正確、簡潔、清楚、安全與隱私、友善與尊重的精神,以期中學生能以網路禮儀為上網溝通的行為準則,未來願意成為一遵守網路禮儀之網路公民。 本研究在分析階段透過文獻分析、網路禮儀認知與行為問卷調查與教師訪談三種方法了解教材需求與內容;評鑑階段透過教室觀察、問卷調查、認知測驗、個人與小組學習單等方法收集形成性評量資料,由研究者、專家、教師、學生共同評鑑教材。 本研究結果如下:(1)文獻分析歸納出網路禮儀之定義與內涵、分類、研究範疇、衍生議題、具體行為與精神,國內外研究啟示,以及本研究選擇PBL作為有效教學策略之理由,並分析中學生所需之網路禮儀課程內容。(2)本研究編擬出具信效度之「中學生網路禮儀認知與行為」問卷,針對209名國高中生進行調查,顯示目前國高中生網路禮儀認知行為現況,作為設計課程之依據。(3)教師訪談結果顯示目前中學生有網路禮儀課程之需求。(4)根據分析結果,設計發展「網路小白不要來」、「網路溝通通ㄅ通」與「拒絕信騷擾」三網路禮儀教案,共計使用了紙本、教師引導、投影片、動態短片四種教學媒體,發展出具複雜性、貼近生活、豐富、具吸引力之問題情境與配合之PBL活動。(5)形成性評量實地試教(field trial)結果發現,學習者網路禮儀測驗答對率平均約百分之九十,認知問卷總分後測顯著高於前測,學習者確實能高度注意內容、提起興趣、贊同網路禮儀實用性、必要性、並願遵守之,且多數能接納問題解決的學習方式、具備網路禮儀問題解決之能力,此顯示教學過後學生已達本研究預設之認知、情意、問題解決技能目標。(6)專家評鑑結果顯示,教學設計、教師以內容專家高度肯定三教案之可行性、一致性、內容性與設計性。最後,綜合以上結果,提出教材修正、實際應用、研究限制及未來研究建議。
This study aims to design, develop and evaluate netiquette curriculum for high school students in Taiwan. In order not to be a “Hi-tech barbarian,” Netiquette, or net etiquette, has become one of the most important Internet ethic issues. Although Taiwan Ministry of Education has integrated netiquette issues in nine-year compulsory curriculum policy in 2004, there are no developed curriculums for school teachers to follow. Therefore, based on “Systematic Instructional Designing Model”and problem-based learning (PBL) as instructional strategy, this study has develped three netiquette curriculums and evaluated them formatively. To evaluate the feasibility of the curriculums, this study has employed multiple research methods, including teacher-interviews, classroom observations, and questionnaires. The major fingings are as follows: (a) Literature review, which is conducted during the analyzing stage, explores the definition, category, concrete behaviors, esprit and generative issues of netiquette. (b) Validated “Netiquette cognition and behavior questionnaire” and teacher interview are used in the need analysis. The result confirms high school students’ needs for netiquette curriculum.(c) Formative evaluation validated the feasibility of the curriculums. In cognitive aspect, students did reach 93% high pass-rate in cognitive tests. Student’s posttest was significantly higher than their pretest (p<0.001). In affective aspect, students’ feedbacks showed they paid attention to the lesson, felt interest in the topic, agreed with the usability and essentiality of netiquette. In PBL aspect, about 80% students enjoyed the PBL process and reached PBL goals. (d) Both the qualitative and quantitative data of expert reviews revealed high values on the content, design, feasibility, and accordance of the curriculums goals. In conclusion, this study has reached six purposes and maked a completion of these high-school netiquette curriculums. Besides, this study provided reseach limitations and suggestions for future netiquette studies.


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