標題: 資訊通路商之產品定價模式 - 以噴墨印表機為例
The Pricing Model for the Products of Information Distribution Firm–A Case Study of Inkjet Printer Device
作者: 黃基民
Chi-Min Huang
Dr. Cheng-Min Feng
關鍵字: 微利時代;資訊通路商;定價模式;定價決策行為模式;定價目標;定價方法;meager profit stage;information distribution channel;pricing mode;pricing decision behavior;pricing objective;pricing method
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 近年來國內的資訊通路正面臨著微利時代,各大資訊產品通路商無不竭盡所能的開源節流,其目的就是希望能在財務報表上有好的獲利表現,一個成功的市場策略必須包含產品、促銷、通路、價格四個行銷的重要元素,價格除了是市場競爭主要的工具之一,也是企業收入和利潤的重要來源,如何選擇最佳的定價模式創造公司最大收益是目前所有企業一致努力的目標,在上述的研究背景動機下,依據資訊通路產業的定價模式及定價決策行為模式,透由經濟學供需理論特性與市場的競爭環境,並加入公司定價目標的考量,分析出不同類別資訊產品的最佳定價方法。 本研究以文獻探討為研究基礎,建立產品定價的架構,推導出資訊產品定價決策行為模式,並依此行為模式設計專家問卷進行訪談,依據專家訪談資料進行統計分析,歸納整理出資訊通路商針對不同類別的資訊產品,在不同的公司定價目標下所選擇的最佳定價方法,本研究結果顯示,產品價位的高低、產品價格變動性的大小、產品市場知名度及不同的產品生命週期,都會影響資訊產品通路商選擇不同的公司定價目標及定價方法。 最後本研究應用噴墨印表機個案研究來驗證專家問卷的結論,透由個案探討可以更深入了解實際運作面所產生的問題,找到改善方向建立正確的產品定價機制。
The domestic information channel faces meager profits stage in recent years. Every well-known distributor of information products tries their best to increase income and decrease expenditure invariably; their purpose is to hope that the best profit appears on their financial statement. Successful market strategy must include products、promotion、place、price, these four important tool of marketing. Price is not only one of the main methods of market competition; it is enterprise income and important source of profit too. It is the goal of various enterprises unanimous efforts at present to choose the best pricing to create maximum income. This motive is under above-mentioned research background. According to the mode of pricing of distributors of information in this field, they study the best pricing method to analyze different classes of information products. They do this completely by using supply and demand the characteristic of economics theory and competitive environment of the market. Also they add the objective of company's pricing for consideration. This research is based on literatures probe study, and set up the structure of products pricing to derive from pricing decision behavior of information products, following this way to design expert's questionnaire and carry out statistical analysis via those questionnaires. We also want to put the distributors of information in order, the best pricing methods based on the product of different classes and different pricing objective of company. The conclusion of this research indicates that the following are influential in choosing pricing objective and the pricing method of different companies: the pricing level, range of change, market popularity and different life cycles of product. This research applies an inkjet printer as a product to verify the conclusion of the expert's questionnaire. This probe can understand the practical operation deeply, even more completely the probe to find the direction to improve and set up correct products pricing mechanism.


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