Title: 電子零件通路商的附加價值創造—以豐藝電子為例
The Value Creation Process of an Electronic Component Distribution Company--- A Case Study of Promate Electronic Co, Ltd.
Authors: 李沛霆
Lee, Peiting
Chu, Po-Young
Keywords: 電子零組件通路商;附加價值;模組;整體解決方案;相關關係人分析;大量客製化;型式的延遲;加值型電子零組件通路商;electronic component distributor;added value;module;total solution;stakeholder analysis;mass customization;form of postponement;added -value electronic component distributor
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 電子零組件係電子產業之上游產品,且為電子產業的關鍵性零組件,其應用包涵了電腦,通訊,消費電子,汽車電子及各式各樣的工業電子的應用產品。 電子零組件通路商的上游是各式各樣的半導體,被動元件甚至涵蓋了各式各樣的模組,如液晶面板模組,背光模組,電源模組等等電子零組件製造商。其下游則是電腦,通訊,消費電子,汽車電子及各式各樣的工業電子的應用產品的製造商,電子零組件通路商不僅僅是居中從事銷售商品,提供庫存調節,送貨收錢的買賣行為而已,在整個電子產業的產銷分工結構中,漸漸扮演更積極的角色,協同客戶的產品研發設計,甚至於已進展到提供整體解決方案,提供更高的附加價值。 本論文的研究目的,藉由整個電子產業發展微利化的趨勢談起,再進行電子零組件通路業的產業分析,以瞭解我國電子零組件通路業的現況,以求確定未來應有的發展方向。因應整體電子產業之發展,業者應該採取如何提高企業自身之附加價值的策略,以避免電子零組件原廠製造商,以及下游應用產品製造商的兩方擠壓。 本研究屬於定性的描述性研究,主要透過stakeholder分析在探討當電子零組件通路商提供整體解決方案時,產業價值鏈產生了什麼變化,創造出什麼價值給電子零組件原廠製造商,客戶以及電子零組件通路商自己。本文並以豐藝電子的實際的三個案例來分析,實証電子零組件通路商如何去創造價值,以取得更好的企業發展空間。
Electronic components provide the key elements for the electronic industry. The electronic industry utilized these components for applications like Computer, Communication, Consumer, Car (4C) and other embedded industry products. An electronic component distributor’s upstream consists of manufacturers for all kinds of electronic components including semiconductors, passive components, and all kinds of modules such as TFT panel modules, backlit modules, and power modules. The downstream of a component distributor consists of manufactures of 4C and other embedded industry products. In between, electronic component distributors used to play a role of delivering components from their buffer inventory, collecting money, but now shifting into a more aggressive role, They collaboratively help customers’ engineers to design products, and even provide total solutions to customers in order to create more value in the overall industry supply chain. Purpose of this thesis is to classify the development strategy of Electronic Component Distributor. The Study first analyzed the trend in the electronic industry of low margin in Manufacturing ( EMS, ODM, OEM), and the trend of Electronic Component Distributor industry. In response to this low margin trend of the whole electronic Industry, an electronic component distributor should discover how to increase the added value offered to customers and component makers, in order to prevent itself being squeezed further from both sides. This research is a qualitative and descriptive study, through stakeholder analysis, we could discover how an electronic component distributor could provide a total solution in a certain application, in terms of value created to component makers, customers and the distributor itself. The studies explored 3 real case studies happened in Promate Electronic Co., via systematically analyzing the value creation process.
Appears in Collections:Thesis