標題: 代言人類型對房地產廣告效果之研究
Effectiveness of Endorser Types in Real Estate Advertisements
作者: 張倩倪
Chien-Ni Chang
Jen-Hung Hwang
關鍵字: 房地產廣告;廣告代言人類型;廣告效果;real estate advertisements;effectiveness of endorser types;effeciveness of advertisting;endorser types
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 廣告是企業與消費大眾溝通的工具,是行銷活動中重要的工具。推薦式廣告是一種常見的廣告型態。它是以廣告代言人來推薦公司產品的廣告,它也是普遍的廣告促銷手法之一。如同所有的產品要進入市場一樣,房地產建案在進入市場的時候,也需要大量的促銷廣告。在台灣,房地產廣告代言人的運用十分普遍。 本研究以虛擬的房地產平面廣告進行實驗,以不同類型廣告代言人及不同性別與教育程度之受測者進行廣告記憶、廣告態度、產品態度、代言人態度與購買意願之調查。探討廣告代言人類型對不同消費族群的廣告效果影響。 本研究採用因子實驗設計法,發出問卷共計650份,有效樣本553份,有效回收率為85.07%。資料分析的方法以變異數分析(ANOVA)及Scheffe分析為主。 研究結果發現: 1.有無廣告代言人,對受測者的廣告記憶有顯著差異。 2.不同類型廣告代言人,對受測者的廣告記憶及代言人態度有顯著差異。 3.不同性別受測者,在廣告記憶、廣告態度及產品態度上有顯著差異 4.不同教育程度受測者,在廣告記憶、廣告態度、產品態度及代言人態度上有顯著差異。
Advertisement is the important marketing communication tool between consumers and companies. Endorserment advertisings are used common and are applied to varied products. In Taiwan, there are many real estate advertistments are communicated by endorsers. This study intends to explore the effectiveness of endorser types in real estate adverstisements . This study is using dummy real estate advertisment as an experimental object, a 4x2x2 experimental design was conducted under conditions which varied endorsers and consumers. We designed fitting questionnaire to explore the consumers and collected 553 valid samples. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Scheffe. The major findings are: 1. The advertistments with endorsers significantly influences in recall toward the advertisement and attitude toward the endorser than advertisements without endorsers. 2. The endorser types significantly influence in recall toward the advertisement and attitude toward the endorser. 3. The consumer gender significantly influence in recall toward the advertisement, attitude toward advertisements and attitude toward product. 4. The consumer education level significantly influence in recall toward the advertisement, attitude toward advertisement, attitude toward product and attitude toward endorsers.


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