標題: | 地下場站空間火災災害緊急應變運作之研究-以臺北車站為例 A Study on Fire Emergency Response Operation for Underground Station Spaces - Sample as Taipei Main Station |
作者: | 鄭志強 Cheng, Chih-chiang 陳俊勳 Chen, Chun-Hsun 工學院產業安全與防災學程 |
關鍵字: | 緊急應變;火災事故標準作業程序(SOP);緊急事故指揮體系(ICS);臺北車站;地下共構空間;Emergency response;Fire Emergency standard operation procedure;Incident commend system;Taipei Main Station;Underground co-constructed spaces |
公開日期: | 2008 |
摘要: | 軌道運輸系統地下化為滿足都會交通運輸需求而設計之特殊空間,其中國內最具代表性者為臺北車站,除三鐵共構外(隧道)亦包括有相連通的地下街及地下停車場,形成以地下軌道交通為中心向外延伸發展而成的地下城市。這種特殊空間呈現出密閉化、地下化等特性,當因各種事故發生時,會有聯絡(Communication)困難、救援可及性(Availability)不易及狀況(Scenario)難以掌握等特性。回顧世界各國隧道、地下場站空間災例,不乏死傷超過10人以上及造成交通中斷與損失慘重的災例,其中又以92年2月18日韓國大邱市地下鐵車站發生列車廂遭精神異常男子縱火,造成198人死亡、146人受傷之慘劇最令人震驚。
臺北車站係為指標性之建築物,且地下共構空間之設施、用途整合集中使得整體風險提高,影響範圍、損害比率相對增加,基於這樣的背景,及國外交通設施遭受攻擊之災例考量,為維護地下場站空間安全性,僅要求既有建築空間配合更新符合最新規範,不但違反經濟合理,更有實際施作之困難,本研究調查空間特性及安全管理現況,以火災為研究之主要災害,評估臺北車站本身初期變之標準作業程序,提出適當之加強。另除了車站本身之應變外,公設政府機關之救災指揮作業亦是降低災害損失不可或缺的一環,故參考美國、日本之災害指揮作業,擬訂我國之災害搶救指揮作業之體系,並以車站U3層地下共構空間發生火災之情境,依火災發展,模擬指揮作業之過程,提出地下共構空間緊急應變指揮作業之策略,以期有效地進行災害管理及損害控制。 The major purpose of this study is to investigate the disaster prevention and emergency operation management of large scale underground structures. The fire disaster was studied for Taipei Main Station, subway station and underground Business Street. The required management of disaster for the underground structures is fire accidents, earthquake, flood, construction accident and others (traffic accident, electric accident, terrorist attack). For consideration the project schedule and the priority of the disaster prevention strategy and management, the structure of subway, railroad and underground structure are chosen for investigating subjects. The fire disaster is studied first. It is economically unfeasible and pragmatically difficult to only require existing buildings to conform the latest regulations to protect public space safety. This research investigates spatial characters and safety management and uses the Incident Commend System evaluates the condition of fire rescuer. Based on the surveys with experts to effectively conduct disaster management and control. Research subjects are: 1.Collected and case studied of the referred paper and relating reports. 2.Building up and scheming the disaster rescue system for large scale underground structures. 3.Emergency mechanism and safety management of the large scale underground structures: 4.Standard operation procedure of emergency mechanism for fire disaster |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/77682 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |