標題: 任務指派對於小組思考風格影響之研究
The study of assignment effects on different thinking-style groups
作者: 鄭冰兒
Ping-Erh Cheng
Chuen-Tsai Sun
關鍵字: 合作學習;思考風格;任務指派;集體效能;同質組;異質組;cooperative learning;thinking style;assignment;group efficacy;homogeneous group;heterogeneous group
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 合作學習是近些年來受到重視的教學策略,影響合作成效的因素相當多,本篇論文針對任務指派與思考風格二個主軸探討合作學習策略。
Team–based cooperative learning has become an important learning method in the past few decades. Many factors of learning effect have been discussed. In this study, we aim at the assignment and the thinking styles of team members in the cooperative learning.
To thoroughly investigate the assignment effects on different thinking-style groups, this study divided the experiment into two stages. Using network questionnaire, we collect student’ thinking styles. Dividing into homogeneous group, heterogeneous group, and middle-low style group. Using the learning sheet, the evaluation sheet, and the questionnaires, we obtain information on students’ group activities. According to the thesis of cooperation, we divided the task into several tasks. Each member of the group has his own tasks. We could observe the assignment and the non-assignment of the group learning achievement in different thinking-style group.
In this study, the conclusions are as follows:
1. The post-test group efficacy of the non-assignment in the middle-low style group is better than pretest.
2. The group satisfaction perspective of the assignment in the homogeneous group is better than the non-assignment.
3. The group satisfaction of the non-assignment in the heterogeneous group is better than the assignment.
4. The achievement in each group in the non-assignment is better than
Through quantitative study and qualitative research, we induced and obtained the optimal grouping model for senior high school students is the hetero-grouped team of the non-assignment. It can provide teachers’ future reference in designing a teaching activity.


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