標題: 中國大陸山寨產品研究
The Products by Robin Hood Manufacturers in China
作者: 李大衛
Lee, Ta-Wei
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
關鍵字: 山寨產品;山寨;破壞式創新;Robin Hood Manufacturers;shān zhài;disruptive innovation
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 「山寨」一詞原指山林中設有防守柵欄的地方,亦指《水滸傳》中“梁山泊"一類的綠林好漢棲身之地。引申為在市場上模仿其他品牌來達到低價行銷產品的現象。最有名的例子是中國大陸的無品牌的山寨手機,品質不差,但於價格低廉,銷售數量成長極快。中國的民營本土企業與世界品牌競爭的局面,很像是古代的山寨豪傑對抗官府,所以稱為「山寨」。市場上被捲進山寨風的不僅只有手機,大到液晶電視機、電腦,小到MP3、數位相機,都有山寨機的身影。山寨的出現,似乎徹底顛覆了電子消費品在人們心目中的傳統形象,高科技、高價格在山寨模式面前蕩然無存,這就像是變魔術一樣,你想要什麼,就能給你變出什麼,為什麼這麼多的電子產品能山寨?山寨現象究竟是怎樣產生的?本研究之目的在探討中國大陸山寨產品的源由與成因,以及現在火紅的因素與未來可能的發展,希望能在這波山寨熱潮中,找到台商安身立命的方式。
The Chinese word "山寨" (shān zhài) literally refers to remote mountain villages that are mostly beyond the reach of administrative control. Recently, however, the word has been used to describe people who imitate celebrities, or describe products or works of art or pop culture that have borrowed ideas from famous brands products or works. "山寨" (shān zhài) has become a culture of its own, symbolizing anything that imitates something famous. "山寨" (shān zhài) has become an accepted name for the replicated products of brand goods after "山寨" (shān zhài) Cell phones produced by small individual workshops in southern China became popular in the mainland market over the past two years. This study will use the products by Robin Hood Manufacturers in China to replace the "山寨" (shān zhài) electronic products. Because it is not only replicateed products of brand good, but also added new created fuctions in those products.


  1. 553601.pdf

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