Title: 台灣微機電產業經營策略與競爭優勢之研究 -以亞太優勢公司為例-
A Study of Business Strategy and Competitive Advantages for Taiwan’s MEMS firms - The Case Study for APM Company-
Authors: 卜明世
Ming Shih Pu
Gin Yuan Lee
Keywords: 微機電;競爭優勢;經營模式;經營策略;MEMS (Micro Electrical Mechanical System);Competitive advantage;Business model;Business strategy
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 微機電產業在國內屬於剛起步之產業,隨著半導體製程之進步,微機電之技術也越來越成熟,亞洲各國企業也在政府之輔導下,投入相當多之研發資源,而國內業者也相繼於2000年前後開始投入此一市場,由於微機電產品是結合不同領域之技術才能成為一最終產品,除了技術門檻高之外,不同領域之專業能夠結合與應用,才是成功之關鍵,由於一些較成熟與大量生產之微機電產品,被國外大廠以專利等因素而形成一寡佔市場,造成台灣廠商切入不易,但隨著手持式產品之普及,人們對產品之微小化需求越來越多,除了輕薄短小之外更要多功能,因此,本研究希望藉由對微機電產業之分析,了解台灣廠商對此領域之機會,並對個案廠商之經營模式及策略規劃演進之解析,探討廠商如何在此產業萌芽期時,以適當之經營模式,發展出因應環境及自身能力之策略方向,進而建立競爭優勢。
The MEMS (Micro Electronic and Mechanical System) Industry in Taiwan is still in initial stage. Along with the technology progress of semiconductor Industry . MEMS industry become more and more mature. Asia Pacific countries have also invest a lots of research and development resource in MEMS technology. Taiwan MEMS business firm start from Year 2000.Due to MEMS product need to combine different technology to become an final product. To develop an MEMS product need to combine different expertise from different field so the entry barrier for MEMS product is high. Of course , There are some mature and big volume MEMS products in the world. Those products are monopolized by some of the world class firm due to patent issue. The entry barrier for those products are also high. MEMS technology goal is to integrate electrical and mechanical together to make device smaller , As long as the handset device become more and more popular. The demand for MEMS technology become realize . Therefore ,This research hope to analysis the MEMS industry , Understand the business opportunity of Taiwan’s MEMS firm . Through business model and strategy analysis and competitive advantage of the representative firm . We investigate how the firms can build up their competence advantage in the competitive environment and how they can plan the strategy directions to comply with the environment ,to survive in the initial stage of the MEMS industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis