標題: 台灣網路電話服務業之策略分析
A Service Approach for Taiwan's Internet Telephony Industry
作者: 張興皇
Hsin-Huang Chang
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 網路電話服務供應商;網路電話;二類電信;創新密集服務平台;知識密集服務業;Internet Telephony Service Provider;Internet Telephone;Innovation Intensive Service;Knowledge Intensive Business Service
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 資訊科技產業是強調專業分工、自由競爭、開放與創意;而電信產業則是垂直整合、壟斷的技術,與封閉的運作架構。資訊科技與電信的匯流-網路電話服務產業,具備高技術進入障礙,且產品生命週期長,需整合大量外部資源的特性,實屬於高度跨領域技術與服務導向兼具的創新密集服務業。 本研究藉由創新密集服務業之分析模式理論,以企業層級的服務價值活動和外部資源涵量為構面,以四種客製化程度的服務及五種創新層次所構成的4x5矩陣,建構台灣網路電話服務產業之策略分析。透過專家訪談與評量問卷之實証分析,推導創新密集服務實質優勢矩陣,歸納出台灣網路電話服務業的創新要素與定位,與網路電話服務供應商現在與未來發展所需之核心能力與關鍵成功要素,作為網路電話服務供應商今後策略發展規劃的依據。 研究顯示,台灣網路電話服務的市場應用,可分為個人用戶與企業用戶兩個應用服務市場。依據實證分析之結果,個人用戶市場目前的產業定位為「產品創新」/「一般型服務」,並朝向未來強調「流程創新」/「特定型服務」為主;企業用戶市場目前的產業定位為「產品創新」/「特定型服務」,並朝向未來強調「結構創新」/「選擇型服務」為主。本研究建議網路電話供應商必須藉著其構建的服務平台,精準地掌握本身所擁有的核心競爭能力與互補資源,以創新密集服務思維發展多元化的創新技術與服務,提供互動性的聯繫服務,增加網路外部性效應,提供每個應用市場顧客不同的價值。
Information Technology Industry emphasizes on specialization, disintegration, competition, liberty and innovation. On the contrary, Telecommunication Industry is of a highly vertical integrated, conservative and closed infrastructure. Internet Telephony Service Industry - the convergence of Information Technology and Telecommunication- with characteristics of complexity, high entry barrier, long product life cycle and highly integrated external resource, is a cross-domain and service-oriented innovation intensive service industry. The study takes advantage of innovation intensive service analytical model to access the core capabilities within a firm’s value activities and external resources, working out a strategic analysis matrix by analyzing four customization levels and five innovation types at the firm level. Through literature review, expert interview and general survey, constructing IIS competitve competence matrix, the study shows the present and future positions of Taiwan’s Internet Telephony Service Industry, indicating the key innovation factors for service providers as trend of development. Results of the study show there are two application market segments: home users and business users. ITSP presently positions the market segment of home users in the generic service/product innovation, moving towards the future position of the restricted service/process innovation, and presently positions the market segment of business users in the generic restricted/product innovation, moving towards the future position of the selective service/structural innovation. It is recommended by the study that ITSP has to make good use of established service platform, well allocating its core capabilities and resources in providing multiple innovative technology and interactive application services to satisfy customer’s need in both of market segments.


  1. 552001.pdf

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