標題: 物理解題動畫作為高中生課後輔助教材之成效探討
Effect of Physics Problem Solving Animations as a Tool to Assist After-school Learning
作者: 林光宇
Kuang-Yu Lin
Hsiang-Tien Chiu
關鍵字: 高中;物理;解題;動畫;多媒體學習;high school;physics;problem-solving;animation;multimedia learning
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 對一般高中生而言,學習物理是一件困難的工作。造成這樣的印象,固然與這門科目的本質有關;但大學入學試題的難度,也加深學生在這方面的挫折感受。本研究基於這樣的研究動機,希望能開發「電腦動畫解題」的教學媒體,用於輔助學生在課後的在家學習;而研究上採用了「文獻分析法」、「準實驗研究法」及「問卷調查法」等三個方法,以期了解「多媒體學習的認知理論及教學成效」、「動畫解題的成效」、「學生使用動畫解題的感受」等研究主題。 根據研究結果指出,實驗組分別在兩次後測的成績均優於對照組(18.66 > 16.20,17.31 > 10.22),但效果都未達顯著,這與許多的研究結果相似。但在「學習感受問卷」的部分,發現多數學生認為這樣的軟體對學習物理「稍微有幫助」或「使物理變簡單」,並能縮短學習時間;另外,超過九成認為這樣的方式能吸引學生。因此單就「學習感受問卷」的反應而言,學生對這樣的學習方式仍報持正面看法。 儘管從兩次的後測成績顯示,物理解題動畫的成效並不明顯;但從「學習感受問卷」可發現,解題動畫就扮演課後輔助教材的角色而言,仍有其正面價值。 特別在「增強使用者的學習動機」、「解決個別差異」等議題上,這樣的方式或許有其功效,但有賴進一步的研究探討。
For most of the senior high school students, studying physics is a difficult task. This impression was made not only because of the subject essence, but the difficulty of entrance examination of university also deepens such frustration. This phenomenon had formed up the motivation of this research, expecting that through the development of multimedia learning tool “problem-solving animation”, students can have an supplement in their home study after school. Methodologies of this research include “Literature review”, “Quasi-Experimental Study” and “Questionnaire Survey”, in order to understand the three major study topics which is “cognitive theory and teaching effectiveness of multimedia learning”, “effectiveness of problem-solving animation” and “Students’ feelings on using problem-solving animation tool”. From the Post-test scores, the study result shown that the experiment group had a better performance compared with the controll group (18.66 > 16.20,17.31 > 10.22). But the results were not significant, and which is just similar with the results of some other studies. However, from the feedback of questionnaire, most of the students felt quite positive on the tool and commented that it is somewhat helpful for learning physics easier and shorten learning time. Additionally, over 90% of the students felt that it is a more attractive way to learn physics. We can find out the value of the tool from the survey result of the questionnaire, despite the inapparent result of using the tool. It can be the assistant role after traditional lecture, especially on handling the issues of individualizing and motivation enhancing. Further study is expected for the extension.


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