標題: 活塞環密封之專利分析與設計
Patent Analysis and Design of Piston Ring Sealing
作者: 葉秉豪
Binhao Yeh
Chinghua Hung
關鍵字: 壓縮環;密封;專利分析;piston ring;sealing;patent analysis
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 活塞環元件使用於內燃機的活塞與汽缸壁中,它的主要功能為氣體密封、熱傳遞、油控制及支撐活塞四項;並大量在汽機車、空壓機(泵)等產品上應用。 今日車用引擎設計朝輕量、小型、高動力、高效率、低油耗、低(零)污染及環境保護等目標發展,為達成上述更高輸出、低油耗及低污染排放目標,位於引擎汽缸活塞的活塞環槽內小小的活塞環是一項重要的零組件,從它的徑向外表面與汽缸壁是否緊密接觸,環本身的張力是否足夠產生密封力量,缺口的大小、形狀,甚至在活塞和汽缸的上部緊鄰燃燒室區域,潤滑非常貧乏和摩擦力非常高時,環對高壓產生的擦損、磨損抵抗是否足夠等因素皆對引擎的效能有一定程度的影響。 本文採取專利檢索、專利摘要表及專利地圖製作方式,對活塞環的密封專利功能特徵作逐一整理、分析與比較,相對提出新的密封概念設計,再經專利可行性評估,找出合適的概念設計提出專利申請。
Nowadays engines for vehicles are required to be light, small, with high power and efficiency,and less energy consumption and pollution. In order to meet all these requirements, efforts are made on piston rings because they are widely used on pistons of internal combustion engines for the purpose of sealing, heat dissipations, oil control and assisting piston motions. Many patents and products of piston rings are proposed and provided all over the world in order to improve the performances mentioned above and to reduce the manufacturing cost. This, however, also facilitates the generations of new ideas if the procedure of innovative design is well followed. In this thesis, techniques of patent search and analysis are applied for creation new concepts of piston rings, and the database for innovative design is constructed simultaneously. The patentability of new concept is also evaluated and examined for further submission of new patents.


  1. 950501.pdf
  2. 950502.pdf
  3. 950503.pdf
  4. 950504.pdf

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