Title: 基於IEEE 802.16媒介擷取控制層通訊協定之仿真環境在資料層面結構之標頭生成以及控制層面結構TLV編碼/解碼部分之設計與實現
Design and Implementation of Header Generation of Data Plane and TLV Encoding/Decoding of Control Plane based on Emulator Environment of IEEE 802.16 MAC Protocol
Authors: 蔡宗翰
Huagn, Ching-Yao
Keywords: 媒介擷取控制;標頭生成;802.16 MAC Emulator;Header;TLV
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 隨著對各式多媒體應用及高速資料傳輸需求的增加,下一代高速傳輸的業界標準也被一一提出。IEEE 802.16是一系列有關無線寬頻傳輸協定的制定標準,主要定義了空氣介面(Air Interface)的兩個層面:物理層(Physical Layer)以及媒介擷取控制層(Medium Access Control layer)。

本論文基於一個以層面結構(Plane-based)為設計基礎的IEEE 802.16 MAC通訊協定架構,在資料層面結構(Data Plane)上提出一個標頭(Header)生成的流程方法,並予以實現,而此一流程方法亦可適用於其它系統的通訊協定中;另外在控制層面結構(Control Plane)上針對TLV編碼/解碼部份提出一個流程方法,並予以實現,之後將其整合在一個已被實現的802.16媒介擷取控制層通訊協定仿真器(Emulator)上。
As the requirement for multimedia applications and high speed data rate transmission increases, the industry standards for high bandwidth and high speed data rate are also proposed one after one. The IEEE 802.16 is a series of standards of wireless broadband communication protocols.
IEEE 802.16 mainly defines two aspects of the air interface: the PHY (Physical) layer and the MAC (Medium Access Control) layer.

This thesis is based on a MAC protocol architecture of a 3-plane design basis. In data plane, a flow and a method of header generation are proposed and implemented. This flow and method can also apply to other communication protocols in different systems other than IEEE 802.16. In control plane, an implementation flow of TLV encoding/decoding is
proposed and implemented. Afterward, it's integrated with an implemented MAC protocol emulator.
Appears in Collections:Thesis