標題: 力輔助對增進人類運動感知能力之研究
A Study on Force Assistance for Human Sensor-Motor Coordination
作者: 涂博翔
Po-Shung Tu
Kuu-Young Young
關鍵字: 力回饋;復健;運動能力;force feedback;rehabilitation;motor
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 台灣高齡化社會已經來臨,要如何照顧日漸增加的老年人是已開發國家的重大課題,感覺運動協調的能力會隨著年齡的增加而產生變化,這對老年人的生活造成很大的影響,因此我們希望發展出一套有效的輔助訓練機制,可以改善或延緩老人在運動感知區上的退化現象。在本論文中,我們觀察在不同的力感訓練機制下,生理訊號與行為表現所產生的相對應變化,我們讓受測者在所建構的虛擬環境中接受訓練,並評估力回饋輔助的作用,經由實驗結果的印證,力輔助系統的確可以有效的幫助受測者有更好的運動協調表現。
As Taiwan has entered the aging society, it is important to take good care of our elders. When people grow older, the sensor-motor area in the brain will be affected gradually. We thus intend to develop an effective training system that is helpful delaying the decline of the sensor-motor coordination capability. In the thesis, we analyze the behaviors and bio-signals through different training scenarios via experiments. The subjects perform experiments in a virtual environment with (without) the help of the force reflection. The experimental results verify that the proposed force assisting system can enhance the capability of the subjects in their sensor-motor coordination significantly.


  1. 261901.pdf

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