標題: | 散裝海運運價之決定因素與趨勢預測之研究 Studies on Factors and Trend Prediction on Bulk Shipping Freight Rates |
作者: | 李思慧 Lee, Szu-Hui 謝尚行 Hsieh, Shang-Hsing 運輸與物流管理學系 |
關鍵字: | Panel Data;灰色理論;ARIMA;波羅的海乾散貨指數;Baltic Dry Index;Panel Data;Gray Theory;ARIMA |
公開日期: | 2006 |
摘要: | 關於運價決定因素之研究,過去文獻多僅探討原物料指數與運價之關係,但對全球經濟成長情況與運價之關係鮮少討論;本研究則考量八大工業國與中國大陸之總體經濟指標、全球鋼鐵指數及散裝船舶訂造艘數對波羅的海乾散貨運價指數之影響,建立兼具縱斷面與橫斷面之Panel Data模型,運用模型中的固定與隨機效果模型來進行實證分析。研究結果發現八大工業國與大陸之國內生產總值及國際鋼鐵指數對波羅的海乾散貨運價指數之影響呈現顯著正相關。根據IMF所發表2007年全球經濟展望,儘管美國經濟成長因房地產市場大幅向下修正,經濟成長降溫超過預期,但歐洲與新興經濟體(尤其是大陸)持續增長,全球經濟依舊維持成長態勢,與本研究所找出決定散裝海運運價之因素相配合,此對於BDI在2007年之走勢提供了明確的方向。由於大陸是目前世界上最大的鐵礦砂進口國,對鐵礦砂的需求逐年增加,而鐵礦砂主要生產國為巴西與澳洲,因雙方在2006年年底已達成鐵礦砂新合約價格之共識,決議自2007年四月開始實施新合約之價格,漲幅高達19%,在新合約實施前造成市場上一波鐵礦砂搶運潮,自2006年年底一路至2007年3月底止,BDI頻創新高,短短三個月間上漲近千點。
BDI自2006年5月跌至谷底平均約2442點後,之後每月逐步上揚,雖曾出現數次小幅回檔,長期間出現震盪逐漸走高,2007年5月初已達6585點,此為自2004年12月創歷史高峰5517點以來所達最高點。就航運市場供需結構推之,散裝海運在近兩年新船交付量遠不及貨櫃海運,在開發中國家需求仍強勁之情況下,船噸供給每年卻僅小幅成長,促使海運運價節節高升。國內股市散裝海運龍頭-裕民海運之股價在短短四個月內(2006年10月至2007年1月)上漲超過10元,且目前海運業景氣維持在高點,造船期已排至2010年。 The growth rate of marine market in G8 and China will still lead other countries in the next ten years. The territory all over the world is vast but natural resources are scarce and imbalanced. Raw materials and grains must to be delivered to developing and less developed countries by ships. Some commentators indicate that in the global container flow, one out of five is relevant with China. China’s economic development adds huge demands in marine market and leads the tariff fluctuating. China has become one of the most important economies in Asia-Pacific area, but only very few papers discussed maritime freight rate in terms of China economic development. In recent decades, the growth of China maritime industry brings many changes for marine market. This paper tries to discuss the shocks for maritime freight rate from G8 and China’s economic development, predicting the trends of freight rate changes in the next five years and hopes the results will be useful for Taiwanese marine companies to plan the worldwide deployment. Regression model and time series model were the main tools in most of previous researches about marine freight rate prediction. They needed large amount of data for testing the probability distribution and curve fitting. In this study, the historical data of the major factors causing the increase in marine freight rate only about ten-year period. Therefore, we will also use Gray Theory to make the analysis and prediction, because it does not need large amount of data to formulate the model. We will also try ARIMA time series, and compare the results. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/81607 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |