Title: 消費者個人價值觀對網路商店滿意度與忠誠度關係之研究
The Study on Relation Ship between Consumer’s Personal Value and Satisfaction & Loyalty of Online Stores
Authors: 林君虹
Chun-Hung Lin
Chun-Sin Lin
Keywords: 個人價值觀;商店屬性;消費者滿意度;消費者忠誠度;結構方程模式;Personal Values;Store Attribute;Satisfaction;Loyalty;Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 在2004年底全球寬頻用戶數依據Point Topic的報告,已達1億5,050萬戶,其中以亞太地區的寬頻用戶最多,全球的占有率為43%,中國大陸為全球寬頻用戶第二大的國家。另PDAY Research指出,2004年全球電子商務的成長率為25.3%,電子商務實現的交易是全球貿易的15%~20%。而國內電子商店的獲利狀況根據經濟部的調查於2005年有34.61%的業者達到獲利,但仍有52.8%的商店是虧損的情況。電子商店的建置較為容易,但是吸引、獲得與留住忠誠客戶卻不是一件容易的工作。因此本研究參考學者的文獻,引用結構方程式模式(SEM)建立個人價值觀透過網路商店的屬性如何影響網路商店消費者的忠誠度與滿意度的因素架構。 本研究以網路商店的購物市場為例,並以網路購物者為研究對象,根據文獻探討建立理論模型,並利用線性結構關係模式,驗證價值觀、商店屬性、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度之間的因果關係,本研究之理論模式:驗證價值觀能直接正向的影響商店屬性;驗證商店屬性能直接正向的影響顧客滿意度;而顧客滿意度亦能直接正向的影響顧客忠誠度。在不同的網路商店別中的顧客會有不同注重的價值觀;男性和女性在注重的價值觀和商店屬性會有所不同,並且女性會有較高的滿意度;教育程度為碩士者較大專院校者更有喜好性忠誠度;月收入不同者會有不同重視的價值觀與商店屬性並月收入為10,001~30,000元者較30,001~50,000元者有習慣忠誠度;學生會較資訊業與金融業更重視價值觀的地位成就構面,並在商店屬性的售後滿意與網路便利性也是較注重者,並且學生族群也是有較高滿意度與忠誠度的消費群。故若網路商店能切合學生的價值觀,並在售後服務與網路便利性多下功夫,學生族群是一個非常忠誠的消費群。
According to the Point Topic Report of global broadband network in the end of 2004, there are about 150,500,000 consumers especially in the Asia Pacific Zone which including 43% of the world. China’s global broadband network consumer ranking is the second in the world. Otherwise, PDAY Research indicated that the growth rate of global electric commence is 25.3% and the realized rate is 15%~20% of the world. However, according to the research of board of trade showed that the 34.61% electric commences gained in 2005, but still 52.8% were lose. It’s easy to establish an electric commence, but hard to attract, get and keep the consumers’ royalties. So that, this research referenced scholars’ documents, and cited Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to establish personal values which through the attribute of network stores to know how they can affect the consumers’ loyalties and satisfactions. For example in this research with shopping in the network stores, the interviewers were shopping in the network stores. According to the documents, they discussed to establish SEM and used it to know the cause and effect of values, store attributes, consumer satisfactions, and customer loyalties. It has positive effect with customers’ satisfactions in proofing stores’ attributes and customers’ satisfactions also have positive effect with customers’ loyalties. In different kinds of network stores, customers have different values. Male and female may focus on the different values and attributes of stores, and also female have higher satisfactions. The graduate students have higher lovely loyalties than undergraduate students. Consumers who have different salaries are have different values and store attributes and their salaries in 10,001~30,000 have higher royalties have in 30,001~50,000. Students more respect on values and achievement of positions than people who work in information or financial, so that students also have higher satisfactions and loyalties. If online stores could satisfy students’ values by focusing on after services, and convenience on the Internet, students would be the highest loyalty consumer group.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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