標題: 鮮釀啤酒消費行為之研究—以新竹科學園區經理人為對象
Study of Consumers’ Behavior for Microbrewery by Managers Working at Hsing-Chu Science Park
作者: 張志偉
Chih-wei Chang
Quang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 鮮釀啤酒;EBK模式;AIO生活型態;microbrewery;EKB Model;AIO Life Style
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 隨著所得提高,台灣消費者對於酒精飲品的需求也逐漸增加,對酒精飲品的消費嗜好也逐漸變化。自2002年酒類市場關放,民營業者紛紛申請營業,而鮮釀啤酒的興起即為滿足部分消費者追求品質新鮮、口感純淨的嗜好。本研究以EBK模式作為本研究架構,AIO生活型態為變數作為市場區隔的基礎,將啤酒購買者之屬性與人口統計變數作為投入變數,將啤酒購買市場區隔化,藉以瞭解啤酒消費行為與鮮釀啤酒之購買意願。本研究對象以新竹科園區之經理人為對象,以便利抽樣法對消費者進行調查。由分析結果顯示,消費者特徵發現啤酒之購買以男性且年齡以36-40歲為主。由於樣本差異不大,啤酒消費者無法透過AIO生活型態作為有效市場區隔的變數。主要發現為,嚐新是購買鮮釀啤酒之主要動機
With the rising of income level, the demand for alcoholic drink by Taiwanese consumers is also increasing, and their taste for it is also becoming versatile. Taiwan has opened the alcoholic drink market from 2002 for new local brewery and importers, since then large numbers of private breweries have entered this market. Several microbreweries have also entered the market featuring freshness and pureness of taste.The framework of this study is EKB Model. With AIO(Activity, Interest, Opinion) Life Style as foundation of market segmentation, taking characteristics of beer consumers and demographic properties as input variable, this study tries to segment the market and to understand beer consumption pattern and consumers’ purchase intention for microbrewery.Through sample analysis we find the biggest beer consumer group is males aged 36-40, and the beer market can not be effectively segmented by AIO Life Style. The major finding is trying different taste is main incentive for consuming microbrewery.
Appears in Collections:Thesis