DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorYing-Hui Hoen_US
dc.contributor.authorChih-Young Hungen_US
dc.description.abstract藥品是與人類健康息息相關的產品,但隨著國內外潮流的變遷,我國製藥產業,近年來的發展正面臨著極大的壓力,而台灣的製藥生態,在國人「寧為雞首,不為牛後」的心態下,九成以上的公司規模小,營業額亦不超過三億元,台灣的生技製藥產業要如何突破這一片紅海,成長茁壯? 要以何種創新思維,在資源有限,整合不足的情況下,增強產業的國際競爭力,走出產業的藍海策略。 面對愈來愈激烈的產業環境,「購併與聯盟是企業快速取得競爭優勢的重要成長策略」,台灣的製藥環境在官、學、研的大力支持下,不論在衛生署的法規、醫學中心的臨床試驗、經濟部與國科會的各項優惠獎勵措施以及行政院開發基金的全力投入,在過去十年中,有了長足的進步,反倒是藥業自己需加倍努力,澈底的改善體質,才能創造出國際競爭力。 本研究主要是以國內第一個專業生技藥品行銷通路公司購併新藥研發公司的案例,經由觀察個案,發展命題,透過焦點式訪談,並歸納整理,期望找出台灣特色藥廠要以何種創新思維提高其企業價值與競爭力,進而帶動企業成長,並分析其成長策略與行動方案。 經由本研究,得到相關的結論:台灣藥廠規模小,應發揮小而美的商業模式,透過政府推動市場價值網絡,成立外銷產業聯盟,共同行銷。並提昇廠房軟硬體至FDA標準,運用創新研發擴散的概念,以風險均衡的產品組合,積極尋求美國特色藥廠的聯盟與投資,提昇競爭力,並善用政府資源及產業間的合作,共同參與藥物研究與開發,借力使力,發揮1+1大於二的綜效,以達到新藥開發的目的,並藉由合併或收購之外部成長策略,快速擴展市場,創造營收成長。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractMedicine is very important to mankind. It is closely associated with human health and life quality. As we all aware, medicine has been changed according to the evolution of internal/external environment. Inevitably, the Taiwan pharmaceutical industry has faced tremendous pressure these years. Over 90 percentage of companies are small sizes, their respective annual revenue is not more than NT$300MM. Due to traditional prefer of being a boss of a small firm, Taiwan Pharma company is difficult to integrate with each other. On the other hand, most of the companies in US, Europe or even Japan are going thru M&A to increase their competitiveness. Therefore, What is the winning growth strategy to break through the "red ocean" for pharmaceutical industries in Taiwan?In addition, what kind of innovation thought to enhance the international competitive strength to achieve the "blue ocean" strategy of industries besides lacking of resource and integration capability? To face the more intensified industrial environment, M&A and alliance are most important strategy to enhance a competition advantage for corporation growth. The environment of pharmaceutical in Taiwan, it has been getting all supports from government, academia and research institute. On top of upgrade of regulation in Departments of Health (DOH), clinical trial in medical center, Ministry of Economic Affair and National Science Council (NSC) not only provide fund and incentives, but also get full supports of seed money from the Development Fund, Executive Yuan. In past ten years, it had made good progress. However the pharmaceutical companies should pay more efforts to improve the shape. Such as to create an international competitiveness. This paper is a first case study of M&A between a drug marketing company and a R/D oriented speciality pharmaceutical company on developing new drug. We have analyses the case through an observation to construct the proposition and use a methodology of focus interview for conclusion. We expect to find a role model and learn how the innovative thinking could enhance the corporation value and competitiveness. Further to speed up the corporation growth, we're going to analyses the growth strategy and take an action plan. After study, we need to propose a set of recommendations for Taiwan pharma, which is small but beautiful business model through government’s promotion on the alliance of marketing network and establishing the industrial partnership to co-promotion for export. In order to have the competitiveness, it's important to upgrade the software/hardware of facilities to FDA standard. Moreover, Apply to the concept on diffusion and collaboration of innovation in R/D. At the same time, use a balanced product portfolio to actively look for the alliance and investment with speciality pharmaceutical company in US. Furthermore, Take advantage of government resources and collaboration with pharma industrial to jointly participate in research and development on drugs. To make sure achieve the fruitful synergy on new drugs development as well use an external growth strategy as M&A to speedy expand the marketplace for creating the revenue growth purpose.en_US
dc.subjectSpeciality Pharmaceuticalen_US
dc.subjectGrowth Strategyen_US
dc.subjectDiffusion of Innovation in R/Den_US
dc.titleA Case Study of Growth Strategy for Specialty Pharmaceutical Companies in Taiwanen_US


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