Title: 台灣乙太網路交換器產業之機會與建議
Opportunity and Suggestion for Taiwan’s Ethernet Switch Industry
Authors: 陳順興
Sung-Hsing Chen
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 網路交換器;產業價值鍊;競爭優勢;Ethernet switch;Industry analysis;SWOT;Value chain;Competitive advantage
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 隨著網路上不斷產生新的應用,頻寬的需求也隨之提高,在這種資訊與通訊逐漸結合下,整個網路架構中不可或缺的交換器(Switch),也朝向功能更強大與速度更快的方向發展。台灣電子產業傳統是以代工起家,在交換器產業也不例外,然而面對中國大陸的快速崛起,本研究試著從交換控制晶片設計、交換器代工、交換器品牌通路三者在價值鍊的角色,與電信級交換器(Metro/Core)、大型企業交換器(Enterprise)、中小型企業與家庭用戶(SMB/SOHO)三種交換器市場區隔,並佐以國際大廠之現況與未來布局、中國大陸相關產業的發展,探討台灣相關產業之定位,並提出機會與建言。
The trend of integrating voice, data and video in Internet drives growth of bandwidth demand. The essential function of Ethernet switch in the Internet core network becomes more powerful and runs at higher speed. Taiwan’s reputation of good quality and low cost in electronics OEM/ODM business model has extended to Ethernet switches. However, such business model is being challenged by competitors emerging from China. This research analyzed the roles and relationships of the three major stakeholders in the value chain of the Ethernet Switch industry, i.e. switch control IC designers, switch OEM/ODM manufacturers, and brand and distribution channel owners. This research also explored the three categories of Ethernet switch markets, including the Metro/Core Ethernet Switches market, the Enterprise Ethernet Switch market and the SMB/SOHO Ethernet Switches market. Leading global Ethernet switch manufacturers and chip set suppliers were analyzed as benchmark references. The SWOT of telecom equipment vendors in China and Taiwan were compared. The market positioning strategies and business opportunities of Taiwan’s Ethernet Switch industry will be discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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