標題: 電動輪椅/代步車動力組件性能測試與改良
The Function Test and Improvement of the Driving Module on Power Wheelchair /Scooter
作者: 何少朋
Ho, Shao-Peng
Cheng, Pi-Ying
關鍵字: 電動輪椅/電動代步車;驅動扭矩;參數確認;田口法;Power Wheelchair/Scooter;driving torque;parameter identification;Taguchi method
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文研究主要針對影響電動輪椅/代步車性能的動力組件改善為主。影響電動輪椅/代步車跨階梯性能的主要參數為,承載重量、驅動輪扭力、車輪直徑、車輪與地面的磨擦係數、重心位置、避震器彈簧係數k值及機械結構等。所以,我們選擇其中的影響參數之一「驅動輪扭力」,也就是針對動力組件性能的改善著手進行。 在人口老化的趨勢下,歐美國家對人權尊嚴的重視高漲,對老年人與殘障人士的照護,逐漸從純醫療走向注重病人與生活環境的關係,擴大電動輪椅/代步車的潛在市場。台灣生產製造的電動輪椅/代步車是美國最主要的進口來源國家。2006年開始,美國政府為限制大量的電動輪椅/代步車進入美國市場,以提高車輛跨越階梯為由,擬訂進口商的補助規則(SADMERC)。亦即電動輪椅或電動代步車跨越階梯越高,補助金額越高,嚴重影響國內傳統代步車與電動輪椅的市場銷售競爭力。 因此,本論文即針對研究電動輪椅/代步車驅動輪扭力改善對跨階梯性能的影響進行探討,先以電動代步車為實驗對象,以實驗機主要動力的8M直流有刷馬達為實驗項目,藉由自行修改設備組件的耐久測試機(Two Drum Test)進行8M馬達在電流與轉速、電流與抗扭矩上等各方面效能的表現與分析,並與一般所熟悉的永磁式直流有刷馬達特性相比較。以確定運用8M馬達,提供控制器設計使用的效益,提高電動輪椅或電動代步車跨越階梯的能力。此外,本研究也採用有限元素法做為田口法中設計參數座椅強度的評估工具,輔助最佳系統設計組件組合的裝置選配,提高電動代步車等的設計效益及市場競爭力。 由本研究的成果,可以提供設計電動輪椅或電動代步車時的基本參考資料,有助電動輪椅或電動代步車製造廠,在新產品設計之規劃,能夠直接導入此設計概念,進而使企業降低產品開發成本,與減少設計驗證時間。
The study focus on the component optimal design an experimental device reconstruction for the parameter identification and function improvement of the driving module of the power Wheelchair/Scooter. There are several critical parameters of the driving module ,such as driving torque,wheel diameter etc. Since that the getting more serious policy issued by SADMERC about the step level of climbing function for the import Wheelchair/Scooter. The performance of the motor`s driving torque which is function of electrical current,angular velocity etc., is most concerned in the study. For identifying the parameters relating to the dynamic performance of the driving motor,we reorganized the function of Two Drum Tester to be able to measure and investigate the characteristic curves of rerated parameters. Many of the characteristic curves and data provide practical and valuable information helping the motor and controller design group to redefine the more reasonable and economical operating data. The characteristic data and curves generated from the experimental projects of this study have successfully helped export-based wheelchair manufacturer to create or enlarge the commercial market share. The Taguchi method was applied in the study for arranging and planning the experimental processes and preparing for critical parameters identification. The FEA software “ANSYS” was also adopted for analyzing the stress distribution of new designed seat plate model. And thus, the seat plate with less weight and higher strength can be developed. Both of the adopted methods play a big assistance for the evacuation of improving project for a more competitive product of Wheelchair/Scooter with the better combination of the driving module and components. The proposed method and experimental device can be transformed to be applied for the other related design model.
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