標題: 建置及評估導入知識管理的成效之研究-以新竹縣某高工為例
A study of implementation and evaluation the effect of knowledge management -A case study of a vacational high school in hsin-chu
作者: 彭美莉
Mei Li Peng
Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 知識管理;Knowledge Management
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 當企業界在如火如荼的推行知識管理,以提升公司競爭力的同時,高職校園也需要導入知識管理活動。因此,如何提升校園競爭力,以因應外在局勢的變化,是個值得關切的議題。 我們不能忽視所有老師的知識。資深老師是學校的中流砥柱,長年累積的教學經驗及專業知能是學校的寶藏。如何將這些寶貴教學經驗留在校園中,知識管理系統的建立是必要的,因為這些寶貴知識經過轉化後將會變成學校組織最具競爭力的資產。 本論文所採取的是個案研究,研究對象為新竹縣內思高工。本研究採用苗栗縣網所開發的系統,在個案學校建置一套屬於內思高工的知識管理系統,將資訊科技應用於行政與教學之中。希望藉由知識文件的建立 ,以累積智慧財產提昇組織行政效率,進而提升學校經營的成效。
ABSTRACT While implementating Knowledge management is a-state-of-the-art activating in an enterprise, vocational high school has challenge to promote KM activities in the campus. How to improve campus competitiveness is a critical topic to be concerned. We can't ignore all teachers' knowledge. The senior teacher is a mainstay of the school. The teaching experience and specialty accumulated all the year round are the treasures of the school. To keep valuable teaching experience in campus, knowledge management activities of school administrative system are essential. These valuable knowledge will turn into a school of the most competitive assets after transforming. This thesis is a case study. We use KM system which developed by Education Information center of Miao-Li country. We implement Knowledge Management System for St. Aloysius Vocational High school. We also apply information science and technology to the administration and teaching, Set up the knowledge profile, promote and organize administrative efficiency in order to accumulate the intelligence property. This KMS will improve the efficiency of the school management .


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