标题: | 我国国防科技专案释商的社会效率评估 Social Efficiency Evaluation of National Defense Technology Release Projects |
作者: | 蔡毅龙 Yi-Lung Tsai 胡均立 Jin-Li Hu 管理学院经营管理学程 |
关键字: | 科技专案;外部性;效率评估;资料包络分析法;Technology development program;Externality;Efficiency evaluation;Data envelopment analysis (DEA) |
公开日期: | 2006 |
摘要: | 中山科学研究院(以下简称中科院)是我国防最重要的战略资产,为顺应世界军民通用科技相互为用的潮流,自2004年起执行“军品释商科技专案计画”,以国防军备需求为基础,在国防资源释商的政策支持下,引导业界参与军品研制与技术应用开发,建立创新性之国防科研与民生产业的价值转化机制,将国防科技转化与整合,发挥军转民、民通军互补综效。 环顾国内研究,传统的绩效评估忽略考量外部效益,然对中科院此类非营利组织而言,外部效益是相当重要的产出。且军品释商科技专案以中科院研发成果为技术移转标的,故进行绩效评估时当考虑到外部性的影响。 本研究采用资料包络分析法,评估经济部技术处“中科院军品释商科技专案计画”第一期之应结案41项专案的效率,透过军通产合开发计画取得2004至2006年成果统计资料。投入项有研发经费、研究人力、研发时程;产出项则运用经济学的外部性理论,分成内部效益(中科院技术移转授权金收入数)、外部效益(合作厂商获得订单数),以及非金钱效益之建立合格厂商数、专利数、论文数与研究报告。再者,因专案经历三年为剔除物价变动因素,本研究以2004年为基期,利用主计处公布之国内生产毛额平减指数计算每个专案所投入或产出项的实质价值。 研究主要结论:(1)军品释商科技专案之内涵是军品研制技术释商,由各专案的整体技术效率值分析验证研发专案具有外部性,对此类专案的绩效评估应从社会整体效益来考量,避免缺乏效度。(2)建议管理者的决策可针对不同效益取向,于后续军品释商科技专案之选商、选题采取不同策略。如以中科院私人效益最大化考量,应与具低研发密集度、低研发人员比例的大企业合作,致力于一年期之材料与化工领域内相关专案。如要兼顾中科院内部效益与社会金钱效益,则以一年期之材料与化工领域相关专案为主,与具低研发密集度、低研发人员比例的中小企业或大企业合作。然要兼具社会金钱与非金钱效益,则以一年期之材料与化工领域内相关专案为主,选商则以中小企业具低研发密集度、低研发人员比例为合作对象。 The Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) is the most important strategic asset of ROC national defense. It is a trend for countries all over of the world to develop dual-use technologies which can apply to both defense and industry. Being funded by Minsitry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) since 2004, CSIST has been conducting the Technology Development Program for Outsourcing Defense Products (TDP), which implements the policy for national defense resources to release to enterprises. The program is designed to encourage local firms to join defense technology research in order to create commercial application values. Traditional performance evaluation often neglects external benefits of a program. However, for a non-profit organization such as CSIST, the external benefits are important outputs. This research utilizes data envelopment analysis (DEA) to evaluate the efficiency of TDP projects. With the help of Dual-use Technology Cooperation Program of CSIST, formal 2004-2006 data were obtained from MOEA. There are three inputs in the model: funds, manpower and time span. The six outputs include royalty revenue derived from CSIST technology transfer, sales order from cooperated parties, qualifid vendors, patents, papers and research reports. All nominal variables are transformed into real variables at the price level of 2004. TDP is to transfer mature technology to local industries. To avoid the performance revaluation is determinated as inefficiency; projects like TDP should be treated from the viewpoint of society benefits. TDP managers may apply different strategies to collect desirable technology and qualified companions. When only internal benefits are considered, one-year research topics with large firms in material and chemistry give the highest efficiency. When internal and money benefits are considered, one-year research topics with small or large firms in material and chemistry give the highest efficiency. If the non-money ouputs are also taken into the model, it is better to cooperate with small firms in material and chemistry industries. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/82664 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |
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