標題: 捷運轉運車站旅客動線規劃之研究
The Study of Passenger Flow Planning in MRT Transfer Station
作者: 黃台生
Huang, Tai-Sheng
關鍵字: 捷運;轉運車站;動線規劃;服務水準;Mass Rapid Transit;Transfer Station;Passenger Flow Planning;Level of Service
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 大眾捷運系統為大都會地區的重要交通設施,而捷運車站內人行系統服務績效的良窳,不僅影響捷運系統的整體運作績效,亦會直接影響特殊狀況時車站旅客疏散的績效,因此在捷運規劃設計手冊中對於捷運車站之設施服務水準、緊急疏散等方面已有相關設計標準之要求。惟現行法規與規劃設計手冊對於捷運車站之規劃與設計,雖然均已針對設施服務水準、緊急疏散等方面進行相關設計標準之要求,但是這類規範多參考國外規範或僅進行局部修正,未能一體適用於國內捷運轉運車站服務績效與旅客動線之規劃工作。鑑於轉運車站旅客動線安排及站內設施佈設,對於未來捷運系統的服務水準、營運安全與系統績效影響甚巨;因此,本研究擬由各因素於捷運車站內衡量人行系統績效水準適用性之探討著手,研析轉運站旅運設施與旅客動線規劃課題,並採一般運轉及尖離峰、運量異常增加,及緊急事故發生等三類之情境分析方式,建立旅運設施及旅客動線規劃原則與作業程序;最後,選取台中都會區大眾捷運系統一轉運站進行操作案例,以做為未來轉運站設計的參考依據。
Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is a vital transportation system in metropolis. Level of service of passenger flow would influence the whole performance of MRT system and passenger evacuation in emergency. Therefore, the design standards for facility service level and passenger emergency evacuation are required in MRT planning manual. However, the ordinances and standards used in Taiwan are mostly referred to or revised from foreign countries’ manual, and are not fully fit for the requirements in Taiwan. For these reasons, this study is beginning with exploring the planning issues with facility layout and passenger flow design in MRT transfer station, then building the planning principles and operation procedures for the cases of normal operation, extreme volume, and emergent events. Finally, a MRT transfer station in Taichung system will be selected for illustration, and the results could be used as guidance for future MRT transfer stations design.
官方說明文件#: 095-2B0-2-17
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/89030
Appears in Collections:Research Plans