标题: 台湾地区地下水区水文地质调查及地下水资源评估-地下水补注潜势评估与地下水模式建置(4/4)
Hydrogeology investigation and groundwater resource assessment for Taiwan:Groundwater recharge estimation and model simulation (4/4)
作者: 张良正
关键字: 水文地质调查;地下水资源评估;地下水补注潜势评估;地下水模式建置;浊水溪冲积扇;屏东平原;hydrogeology investigation;groundwater resource assessment;groundwater recharge potential assessment;groundwater modeling;groundwater recharge estimation
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 水资源的保育是国家重要政策之一,地下水源的保护更是刻不容缓的工作,其中水文地质调查、地下水资源评估、地下水补注机制分析与现地水力试验与监测则为必要的工作。经济部自民国80年起,分三期共十七年执行“台湾地区地下水观测网整体计画”,已于台湾九个地下水区及恒春和澎湖地区,进行水文地质调查研究及地下水观测井建置工作,并建立完成台湾地区水文地质基本资料、地下水监测系统、水文地质资料库及岩心库等。然而为提高地下水天然补注区范围划定及补注量评估之精确度,尚需补充更详细之地下水层储水系数、水文地质基本资料及长期地下水水质和水位观测数据,再结合地下水水位历线分析,进行地下水补注潜势评估及建立地下水流数值模式。
(1) 建立地下水区全区之地下水补注潜势评估作业程序。
(2) 完成浊水溪冲积扇地下水主要补注区划分。
(3) 完成屏东平原地下水主要补注区划分。
(4) 完成浊水溪冲积扇地下水补注量、抽水量及补注潜势评估。
(5) 完成屏东平原地下水补注量、抽水量及补注潜势评估。
Groundwater resource protection is an emergency task for water resources conservation in Taiwan. The hydrogeological investigation, groundwater resources evaluation, groundwater recharge estimation, groundwater field experiment and monitoring are all important works to protect the groundwater resources. To facilitate the groundwater management, Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan had established a national groundwater monitoring network since 1991 to 2008. The accomplishment of groundwater monitoring network had established a data base system with large amount of hydrogeological data, and the core samples from geological logging were also collected and inventoried. Nevertheless, to increase the accuracy of high groundwater recharge area assessment and recharge rate estimation. More hydrogeological information such as aquifer storage coefficient and long term monitoring data of groundwater level and quality are necessary. Beside data requirement, more research work such as groundwater level analysis, groundwater recharge potential assessment and groundwater model simulation are also essential.
Following the project of ‘Hydrogelogical investigation and groundwater resources assessment plan in Taiwan’, this project is to define the high groundwater recharge area in Choshuichi groundwater basin and Pintung plain, and develop numerical simulation models for both area. Precisely, following subjects will be accomplished within the project period from 2009 to 2012.
(1) Establishing the standard procedure of groundwater recharge potential assessment.
(2) Defining the high groundwater recharge area in Choshuichi groundwater basin.
(3) Defining the high groundwater recharge area in Pintung plain.
(4) Investigating the groundwater recharge potential, recharge rate and pumping rate in Choshuichi groundwater basin.
(5) Investigating the groundwater recharge potential, recharge rate and pumping rate in Pintung plain.
By year of 2009, this study has established a standard procedure for assessing groundwater potential recharge and sketched out the potentially high recharge area in Choshuichi groundwater basin. The primary estimation of high groundwater recharge area is closed to that estimated by the ‘Central Geological Survey’. It is also similar to that measured in this project by another method, resistivity image profiling. For the coming year (2010), following the results of 2009, the assessing procedure of potentially high recharge area will be refined basing on the areal recharge rate estimation, nitrate concentration distribution and contour map of one dimensional resistivity data. The high groundwater recharge area in Choshuichi groundwater basin will also be defined in 2010. Beside, a transient groundwater simulation model will be developed using MODFLOW package. The simulation model will be used to estimate the regional pumping rate and groundwater recharge from areal and boundary.
The result of this project can provide a valuable reference to define a groundwater protection area and facilitate to propose a regulation practice for groundwater conservation and contamination prevention, and proving a basis for achieving groundwater sustainable management for the basin.
官方说明文件#: 101-5926901000-01
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/98473
显示于类别:Research Plans


  1. RRPG10103-0294-2757334.pdf
  2. RRPG101030294A.pdf
  3. RRPG101030294B.pdf
  4. RRPG101030294.pdf

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