Title: 建構健康保健服務的個人價值模型與其設計應用的模式(I)
Developing the Theoretical Model and Design Methodology on Individual Value for Wellness Service Platform
Authors: 鄧怡莘
Keywords: 健康保健;價值模型;服務設計;設計方法;Wellness;Value Models;Service Design;Design Methodology
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 醫療體系對人們的照顧,過去是以治療為主,現今則逐漸轉變為治療與照護的需求並重。如何提供完善的健康保健服務變成為重要的課題。然而,健康保健服務的設計與開發,應該滿足人們的需求與價值觀,才能讓人們持續地使用並對其健康保健具有正面的影響力。由於健康保健服務體系中的角色的價值多元,且角色網絡之間的價值觀具有相互影響的複雜性,目前的研究以單一消費者價值所建構的模型不足以呈現多元的健康保健價值。為支援健康保健服務設計所需的理論與設計工具,多元價值模型的建立,以及提出依此價值模型為中心的設計方法論,將會是重要的研究議題,也是本研究所關注的目標。
Traditionally, health care system often emphasize on the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Nowadays the focus of health care system has been gradually shifted from treatment only to both prevention and treatment of disease; hence services that can offer medical treatment, care and wellness are becoming increasingly important. In order to provide such kind of integrated wellness service, a wellness and preventive system should support people’s health and wellness activities and satisfy their individual values on engaging it. The roles involving in a wellness services are varied and the relationships between each others are complicated. Furthermore, the individual values on perceiving wellness are multiple. Designing a service system to meet such complex values structure, a theoretical model on representing multiple values and a design methodology to practice this model are essential.
In order to establish the value model of a health care system, models workbook and in-depth interview will be conducted in this research to capture users’ needs and expectations toward health care systems. Furthermore, through exploratory design concepts generation and concept evaluation afterwards, models for multi-value services and design methodology to explore innovative services can be established. Finally, through the inference of the model and in-field assessments, scientific rigor of this research and feasibility of the proposed model and design methodology can be verified.
Through the above-mentioned process, a value model for wellness services and service design methodology will be developed. A complete design case to illustrate the developing process and the evaluation of design results will also provided. The results of this study could serve as design guidelines and references for future design of health care services or other social interaction platform.
Gov't Doc #: NSC100-2221-E009-115
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/99018
Appears in Collections:Research Plans