標題: 工作特性與侵略性駕駛行為之關聯性研究
Correlation Study of Workload and Aggressive Driving
作者: 吳宗修
Woo Tzong-Shiou Hugh
關鍵字: 人格特質;工作特性;侵略性駕駛行為;personality;job characteristics;aggressive driving behavior
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 工作特性與侵略性駕駛行為之關聯性研究 摘要 近年來,由於國際情勢的改變、中國的經濟快速發展使得台灣地區產業嚴重外移, 造成台灣地區失業人口上昇(民國97 年為4.14%,到民國98 年10 月攀升到5.96%之歷 史新高。加上去年的金融海嘯衝擊,台灣地區的就業族群在工作時數與生活壓力上都大 幅增加(台灣人平均1 年工作時數是2282 小時,全球排名第一),但是國民所得卻沒有相 應的成長(民國96 年平均每人所得為新台幣501,848 元,民國97 年降為482,982 元),在 這種情況下國民整體工作滿意度也隨之下降。以醫學角度來看,這類狀況會讓人們精神 與生理受到較大的壓力(不充足的睡眠時間會使人注意力降低)。加上台灣地狹人稠的特 性,整體交通流量與密度都非常高(截至98 年11 月底車輛登記數為21,253,591 輛),會 造成通勤時所花的時間更增加,使駕駛人容易產生不耐的情緒;更因此有可能較容易引 發侵略性駕駛行為。這些駕駛行為包括超速搶快、橫衝直撞、爭先恐後、蛇行換道、任 意停車而無視交通法規、強鳴喇叭、隨意超車、亂閃大燈、行人任意闖越道路等侵略性 駕駛行為。前述負面情緒激發的差異即為駕駛憤怒感之差異所導致;而在面對相同情境 下卻有不同行為的反應則為反應行為意向之差異所導致,憤怒駕駛傾向是由駕駛憤怒感 與反應行為意向所組成,然駕駛者面對交通情境下所產生出的外顯行為,其決策程序為 駕駛人先根據外界刺激,透過心中的處理程序進行決策,進而達到控制車輛運作之目 的,同時與車、路、環境產生互動。本研究希望藉由收集駕駛人的工作時數、生活滿意 度等工作特性資料,並以已被廣泛應用的State Trait Anger Expression Inventory 問卷來瞭 解駕駛人的侵略性駕駛行為程度,並以分析方法找出兩者間的關聯性。
Correlation Study ofWorkload and Aggressive Driving Abstract With global economic changes and the downplay of financial tsunami 2008, unemployment rate in Taiwan has come to an all time high of 5.96% as of November 2009 compared to 4.14% in 2008. In couple with un-proportionate income growth, citizens in general experienced unprecedented pressures from their workload and life satisfaction. From medical point of view, these pressures, such as caused by insufficient sleep, would draw down the driving attention, which is one of the safety concerns. Driving in traffic routinely involves events and incidents. Some of these incidents are dangerous and frightening, such as near-misses or violent exchanges, while others are merely annoying or depressing, such as being insulted by a driver or forgetting to make a turn. Density of motorized vehicles in Taiwan has been extremely high for years. This may irritate drivers to become more aggressive in driving, subsequently bring in road rages. Aggressive drivers have always been responsible for traffic problems. This study is intended to investigate correlations between workload and aggressive driving using the State Trait Anger Expression Inventory questionnaire, in a hope to further understand this problem.
官方說明文件#: NSC99-2221-E009-092
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/100025
Appears in Collections:Research Plans

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