標題: 產業群聚與企業經營績效的實證研究與分析:以台灣資訊電子產業赴大陸投資為例
Industrial Clustering and Operating Performance: An Empirical Case of Taiwan IT Industry's Investments in China
作者: 顏怡音
Yi-Yin Yen
Fu-Jiing Shiue
Heng-Chiang Huang
Kaie-Chin Chung
Institute of Business and Management
關鍵字: 資訊電子產業;產業群聚;經營績效;大陸投資;IT Industry;Industrial Clustering;Operating Performance Investments in China
公開日期: 1-七月-2009
摘要: 本文旨在探討產業群聚與企業經營績效的實證研究與分析。茲因台灣資訊電子產業在大陸投資的發展性較其它產業更爲完整,故本研究特以其爲主要研究代表產業,探討其赴大陸進行投資所產生的產業群聚現象,對公司經營績效的影響。研究方法則以多變量迴歸分析來進行實證。本研究發現,台灣上市資訊電子公司在大陸投資所設立的子公司,其產業群聚於華北地區者,對母公司經營績效產生顯著的負向影響。產業群聚在華中地區者,對母公司的經營績效,則產生正向的影響,惟並不顯著;而產業群聚於華東及華南地區者,的確能夠產生產業群聚的綜效,對母公司的經營績效則產生正向的影響。本研究建議台灣相關業者如欲赴中國大陸投資設廠,在投資區位的選擇上,可以考量華東地區爲主要評選區域,蓋於此區域已有相當多的台灣資訊電子業者在此投資設廠,產業群聚的聚落已在此具體形成,其所衍生的產業群聚現象與效果十分顯著。在此區域進行投資將更有可能產生投資的綜效,而有助於母公司經營績效的達成與提昇。同時,本研究也建議相關業者可以先在華東地區設立主要的投資營運據點,再進一步斟酌衡量擴大投資至華北地區的可能性;至於華南地區,則因該區域的經營環境有逐漸惡化的趨勢,是否適合再作進一步的投資設廠,宜當審慎斟酌。
Our purpose in this paper is to examine operating performance from industrial clustering. Taiwan IT industry is selected as the research target, primarily based on a fact that it is Taiwan's leading industry, which also accounts for the largest portion of Taiwan's investments in China. The research method is processed with the multivariate regression analysis. Our empirical findings come out that Taiwan IT industry’s investments in northern China result in a significantly negative impact on their parent firms' operating performance; however, those in central China result in a positive impact on their parent firms' operating performance, but not significant. On the other hand, those in eastern and southern China produce positive influences to their parent firms on behalf of the effect of industrial clustering. We would like to suggest that eastern China is a relatively ideal place for making investments in China. It is primarily on evidence that the area has been substantially developed with a better infrastructure, and has attracted a significant number of Taiwanese firms operating there. Therefore, the phenomenon of an industrial clustering in the area is very apparent and significant. To invest in the area would enhance and escalate operating performance. In the meantime, we also would like to suggest that to make an investment in eastern China is an ideal approach, for further investments in northern China. As to investing in southern China, it is subject to further investigation, as the investment environment of the area has been deteriorating.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/107775
ISSN: 1023-9863
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 16
Issue: 3
起始頁: 373
結束頁: 396


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