標題: Extended Instruction Exploration for Multiple-Issue Architectures
作者: Wu, I-Wei
Shann, Jean Jyh-Jiun
Hsu, Wei-Chung
Chung, Chung-Ping
National Chiao Tung University
關鍵字: Algorithms;Design;Performance;Extended instruction (EI);instruction set extension (ISE);multiple-issue architecture;customizable processor;application-specific instruction-set processor (ASIP)
公開日期: 1-十一月-2014
摘要: In order to satisfy the growing demand for high-performance computing in modern embedded devices, several architectural and microarchitectural enhancements have been implemented in processor architectures. Extended instruction (EI) is often used for architectural enhancement, while issuing multiple instructions is a common approach for microarchitectural enhancement. The impact of combining both of these approaches in the same design is not well understood. While previous studies have shown that EI can potentially improve performance in some applications on certain multiple-issue architectures, the algorithms used to identify EI for multiple-issue architectures yield only limited performance improvement. This is because not all arithmetic operations are suited for EI for multiple-issue architectures. To explore the full potential of EI for multiple-issue architectures, two important factors need to be considered: (1) the execution performance of an application is dominated by critical (located on the critical path) and highly resource-contentious (i.e., having a high probability of being delayed during execution due to hardware resource limitations) operations, and (2) an operation may become critical and/or highly resource contentious after some operations are added to the EI. This article presents an EI exploration algorithm for multiple-issue architectures that focuses on these two factors. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms previously published algorithms.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2560039
ISSN: 1539-9087
DOI: 10.1145/2560039
Volume: 13


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