標題: 地方文化產業與社區博物館之研究 -以造橋鄉木炭博物館為例
Research on Local Cultural Industries and Community Museum- A Case Study of Zaoqiao Charcoal Museum
作者: 羅玉芬
關鍵字: 地方文化產業;社區博物館;創新;Local Cultural Industries;Community Museum;Innovation
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 過去造橋境內多丘陵地,遍植相思林,許多田間小路處處可見傳統炭窯,造橋內更有一地名稱「樹仔窩」,代表此地樹木資源豐富之意,也是造就造橋鄉以往相思樹和木炭的風光。本研究是以造橋鄉木炭博物館為研究對象,木炭博物館原為谷巴休閒渡假村,自民國89年起著手木炭產業轉型,又於民國92年正式成立木炭博物館,在民國93年受文建會輔導並核定為「苗栗縣地方文化館」推動在地文化。本研究透過文本分析、深入訪談和參與觀察之研究方法,探討造橋鄉地方文化產業的背景和造橋鄉木炭博物館如何透過社區博物館型式繼續發展,以及傳統木炭產業轉型為地方文化創意產業是如何創新發展。
Zaociao was a hill village surrounded by acacia forest and with charcoal kilns seen all over its farm lanes. There is a place named Treeson Home—a symbol of abundant resources of local trees, which also contributed to the acacia and charcoal in Zaociao. This study focused on the research of Zaociao Charcoal Museum. Zaociao Charcoal Museum, originally the Valley Park Resort, was formally founded in 2003 due to the transformation of charcoal industry in 2000 and was assessed as the local cultural center in Miaoli County under the guidance of Council For Cultural Affairs in 2004. Adopting Text Analysis, In-Depth Interview and Participant Observation, this study discussed local cultural industry of Zaociao village, how to develop Zaociao Charcoal Museum through community museum pattern, and how to innovatively develop tradition charcoal industry into local cultural creative industry.
This study also tried to use Schumpeter’s Innovation Theory to explore how can charcoal industry in Zaociao transformed to local cultural creative industry and how can it be saved in the form of community museum, to raise the existing problems in actual operation of Charcoal Museum, and to give suggestions for future development. In premise of sustainable development, we recommended museum to keep on developing creatively, to gather local resources to form production chain, and to combine with other local industries or extend to culture districts/communities with cultural diversity to gather more power, which may bring a better development to museums and communities.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070255505