Title: 金融科技與互聯網之創新-以保險業個案為例
The Innovation of Fintech and Internet – The Case of Insurance Industry
Authors: 謝欣穎
Chung, Hui-min
Keywords: 互聯網;金融科技;保險;創新;網路保險;Internet;Fintech;Insurance;Innovation;Online Insurance
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 互聯網科技持續發展,促使許多產業面臨產業結構的轉變,以金融業來說,近年來行動裝置的普及,以及物聯網的出現,加速了金融科技的普及,讓傳統金融業的具備的寡占性及封閉性優勢快速消失。而金融業中的保險業,由於受到監管的程度較高,加上大量資本密集的特性,進入門檻又比一般金融業來的高,然而金融科技的出現,使得保險業受到了強烈的衝擊。這股改變的風潮已在全世界掀起,而台灣雖然貴為電子資訊大國,卻由於法規的限制,以及產業保守的心態,至今面對金融科技的應用,還處於剛起步的狀態,實在甚為可惜。   本文以目前全球各國保險公司Fintech創新應用為研究主題,透過其產品設計、銷售渠道、經營方式的創新改變,研究分析台灣保險業未來可行的策略方向。並以一個案公司為例,利用資料探勘的相關模型,分析其主要顧客能協助該公司找出會員與其行為間之關聯,以結果分析其顧客價值,進而將結果應用到台灣保險業,提供台灣保險業做為未來利用Fintech從事行銷活動及商品設計之依據。
The bloom of Internet causes a huge change for many industries. Recently, the highly usage rate of mobile device and IOT (Internet of Things) speed up the wave of Fintech, which weaken the advantage of the traditional financial industry. And the insurance industry, which possess higher entering barrier than other financial companies, is heavily shocked by this wave of Fintech. Although the advantage in ICT, financial industry in Taiwan just begin to face the wave of Fintech until now because of the limitation of law and conservative attitude. The topic of this article is the innovation of insurance industry in the world by using Fintech. We try to analyze these case in many aspects, and then we take a case in Taiwan to prove our result which is practical. The target of this article is trying to give lots of useful advice to help the insurance industry in Taiwan face the wave of Fintech.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353912
Appears in Collections:Thesis