標題: 應用層級分析法探討電容式觸控供應商評選-以大尺寸面板產業為例
Applying AHP for the Selection of Capacitive Touch Solution Provider-Example of Large-Size TFT –LCD Industry
作者: 李林澤
Li, Lin-Tse
Pao, Hsiao-Tien
Chen, Quang-Hua
關鍵字: 面板;電容式觸控;供應商評選;層級分析法;TFT LCD (Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display);Vendor Selection;AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process)
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究以國內大尺寸面板廠為研究對象,欲探討電容式觸控供應商評選的關鍵因子。透過文獻探討以層級分析法進行分析,建立關鍵因子層級架構、並進行專家深度訪談以調整修正層級結構。最後進行問卷調查,將調查結果彙整為大尺寸面板電容式觸控供應商評選表,以作為後續相關廠商遴選參考,希望能協助企業期盼依此調查結果建立起有效客觀的評選機制,同時透過選出正確合適的廠商,強化供應鏈的競爭優勢。 本研究使用層級分析法進行分析後,結論顯示評選之關鍵因子可分類為5大構面與20項衡量準則。以一階層級來看,首重技術能力構面,二階評選指標的部分,前10大關鍵分別為: 1.設計能力 2.品質可靠度 3.新產品開發配合度 4.技術支援性 5.價格 6.生產經驗 7.生產成本優勢 8.前瞻技術開發意願 9.產品保證 10.生產設備與產能。此研究結果可作為採購策略與供應商管理的參考依據,也可作為供應商競爭力強化的重點方針。
This research is conducted by applying Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to explore the key factors of the vendor selection of capacitive touch solution provider for domestic large-size panel maker. The key factor hierarchy structure was built by literature review, and adjusted by in-depth interview with expert. The results come out through conducting and analyzing the questionnaire, and are aggregated into the vendor selection form of capacitive touch solution for large-size panel maker reference. The main goal of this research is to provide a reference for company to choose the suitable supplier through the objective appraisal mechanism and enforce the supply chain competitiveness. Ater analyzing by AHP, the key evaluation factor can be categorized in to five appraisal dimension and twenty secondary criteria. For the fisrt Level, Technical Ability is the most important dimension. For the secondary level, top ten important factors listed as in sequence as bellow: 1. Design Ability 2. Quality Reliability 3. New Product Development Coordination Degree 4. Technical Support 5. Price 6. Production Experience 7. Production Cost advantage 8. Willingness of Advanced Technology Development 9. Products Guarantee 10. Production Equipment and Production Capacity. The results of this study not only can be used as a basis for procurement strategy and supplier management, but also as a key policy to strengthen the competitiveness of suppliers.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463118
Appears in Collections:Thesis