標題: Joule heating effect under accelerated electromigration in flip-chip solder joints
作者: Chiu, S. H.
Liang, S. W.
Chen, Chili
Yao, D. J.
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
公開日期: 2006
摘要: This study employs three-dimensional simulation to investigate the Joule heating effect under accelerated electromigration tests in flip-chip solder joints. It was found that the Joule heating effect was very seriously during high current stressing, and a hot spot exists in the solder bump. The hot-spot may play important role in the void formation and thermomigration in solder bumps during electromigration.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/17333
ISBN: 1-4244-0151-8
ISSN: 0569-5503
DOI: 10.1109/ECTC.2006.1645721
期刊: 56th Electronic Components & Technology Conference 2006, Vol 1 and 2, Proceedings
起始頁: 663
結束頁: 666


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