標題: 捷運車站異常狀況分級制度之研究
A Study on the Classification of Abnormal Conditions in MRT Station
作者: 李啟源
Chi-Yuan Lee
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: 捷運車站;異常狀況;分級制度;德菲法;模糊理論;MRT Station;Abnormal Conditions;Classification;Delphi Method;Fuzzy Theory
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 大眾捷運系統提供具有密集班次、高運量、高速度、高準時性、高安全性、高舒適性之運輸服務,乃是解決都市交通擁塞問題的方法之一,其中捷運車站扮演著旅客集散之重要節點,進出捷運車站的旅客特性有別於一般行人,不但流動性大、動線複雜,且具有時間性與方向性,尤其在大型車站及重要轉乘站更是人潮匯集之處,使得捷運車站內旅客流量變化大,因此捷運車站在興建與營運時會以旅客動線安全做為空間設施規劃以及營運策略研擬之重要前提。國內外相關文獻雖針對危害狀況之規劃設計及疏散程序著墨甚多,但是異常狀況發生時,由於對旅客尚未產生直接之危害,捷運公司仍須兼顧正常營運與旅客安全雙方面之考量,較危害狀況複雜,回顧國內外文獻可發現異常狀況相關文獻相當缺乏,因此本研究希望建立大眾捷運系統捷運車站之異常狀況分級制度。 本研究以臺北捷運公司高運量系統行車運轉程序做為基礎,選擇「影響範圍」與「影響時間」做為異常狀況分級向度,輔以專家學者之意見與評分,建立異常狀況分級制度之架構及其分級向度相對權重與各層級劃分之相對嚴重性,並導入模糊統計試驗法以計算異常狀況各嚴重性等級之門檻值,其門檻值為:A級(門檻值<0.2311)、B級(0.2311<門檻值<0.2432)、C級(0.2432<門檻值<0.2499)、D級(0.2499<門檻值<0.2646)、E級(門檻值>0.2646)。最後針對各嚴重性等級研擬概念性之捷運車站異常狀況管理機制與因應策略,以提供臺北捷運站務人員做為異常狀況發生時之作業準則。
Mass Rapid Transit(MRT) provides effective transportation service with high number of runs, high capacity, high speed, high safety and comfort. It is one of the approaches to solve urban transportation problems of congestion. MRT stations play the part of important nodes to passenger collection and distribution. The characters of passengers in MRT stations are different from general pedestrians. They have characters of complex circulation, high fluctuation, trend of time and trend of direction . Especially the main station and the transfer station always crowded. Therefore, safety of passenger facilities and space planning are the essential considerations in planning, building and operating MRT stations. Lots of studies discuss planning and management of emergency conditions. However, studies about classification and management of abnormal conditions are not well developed until now. The primary objective of this study is to develop a classification of abnormal conditions in MRT station. In this study, operating processes of heavy-capacity transit system in TRTC are chosen to be the base. Two dimensions “Range of Abnormal Condition” and “Time of Abnormal Condition” have been defined and weighted by related importance through Delphi Method and Multi-objective Programming to establish the framework of classification of abnormal conditions. Finally a standard for measuring seriousness of abnormal conditions in MRT stations is developed by Fuzzy Theory and defined through a grade from A to E. This study provides the classification of abnormal conditions, and conceptually draw up the operating processes of abnormal conditions for staffs in MRT station to follow.

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