標題: 我國大學生目標內涵之研究
A Study of Goal Contents of College Students in Taiwan
作者: 葉妤貞
關鍵字: 志向;目標內涵;價值;多元尺度分析法;環複結構模式;驗證性因素分析;aspiration;goal contents;value;multidimensional scaling;circumplex structure;confirmatory factor analysis
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 志向 (aspiration) 是「我」(self) 的概念中的重要元素,心理學者以未來的我 (future self)、可能我 (possible self, Markus & Nurius, 1986) 來描述對未來人生的選擇。志向表達「我」對未來的希望 (hope)與憧憬。志向是面向未來做出選擇,所以志向必然表達出「我」的價值體系。志向是目標,目標和一個人持續而穩定的人格有關,同時,志向因為是某種目標,故也具備動機的特性。然而,「志向」與「目標」之概念還未被心理學界進行區分;事實上,很多學者以不同的詞彙,如志向(aspiration)、目標(goals)、價值(values)同等互換,來描述人類抱持人生目標的心理狀態。 本研究以Kasser 與 Ryan (1993, 1996)的價值觀研究為基礎,此一觀點乃根據Deci與 Ryan (1985, 2000) 的自我決定理論 (Self-determination theory, SDT) ,指出人類為了心理成長與幸福感而有尋求自主和自我表現的心理需求歷程,此即人類與生俱來的內在 動機。Kasser 與 Ryan根據內在動機、外在動機的概念,也將廣泛的人生目標內涵加以區隔:「自我接納」(Self-acceptance)、「聯繫/親和聯繫/歸屬感」(Affiliation)、「社群情感」(Community feeling)與「身體的健康」(Physical health)屬於內在目標。外在目標則有「財富的成功」(Financial success)、「受歡迎」(Popularity) 與「形象」(Image)。近年來,Grouzet、Kasser、Ahuvia、Dols、Kim、Lau、Ryan、Saunders、Schmuck 與 Sheldon (2005)提出另外四個目標內涵,取自Schwartz (1992)人類價值系統中的「順從(從眾)」(Conformity)、「逸樂主義」(Hedonism)與「安全感」(Safety)等價值類型,這四種價值也是一般人會追求的人生目標。Emmons (1998) 有關個人目標追求研究與Kasser (1996) 研究中提及的「靈性」(Spirituality)目標,進而擴展了人類的目標內涵。以上對美國大學生群體的研究顯示出不同的人分別有十一項人生目標。 本研究參考Kasser與 Ryan (1993, 1996, 2001)、Grouzet等人 (2005) 的「志向量表」(The Aspiration Index),包含上述的十一類人生目標,改編為適用於我國大學生的志向量表,並以驗證性因素分析檢驗量表的信效度,這是第一項研究目標。第二項研究目標要 探討性別對各目標內涵的重視程度及評估達成該目標內涵機會之差異。第三項目標為對我國大學生志向內涵進行多元尺度分析(multidimensional scaling, MDS)及環複結構(circumplex structure)空間的考驗。 本研究的樣本為970位大學生,其中男生438人,女生532人。每人填答57題的志向量表,其中包含對十一種志向之個人重要性評價,及達成可能性高低的預測,均為1-9的李克特氏量尺。 研究結果為:一、驗證性因素分析的結果發現「身體的健康」(Physical health)與「安全感」 (Safety) 的相關過高,合併成為「身體健康與安全感」。又「順從(從眾)」 (Conformity)與「受歡迎」(Popularity)相關過高,合併成「順從與受歡迎」,故構面總數剩下九個。本研究改編的志向量表,具備有可接受的信度與效度(聚合及區別效度)。 二、不同性別大學生的目標內涵及其達成機會之現況分析發現:女生對「聯繫/親和聯繫/歸屬感」(Affiliation)、「自我接納」(Self-acceptance)、「身體的健康 / 安全感」(Physical health/ Safety)以及「形象」(Image)等目標內涵的重視程度顯著高於男生。而男生評估達成「逸樂主義」(Hedonism) 目標內涵的機會顯著高於女生,對其他目標內涵而言,達成機會的評估並無性別差異。男女生對「靈性」(Spirituality)目標內涵的重視程度均低且對其達成機會的評估也很低,與美國大學生的研究結果大異其趣。 三、本研究更進一步採多元尺度分析法及環複結構分析,以了解我國大學生將各目標內涵做出心理分類,把各類別之相似、相異、相對程度以圓形空間關係表達出來。由多元尺度分析法得知,各目標內涵可以用二維空間予以呈現,第一個維度是「動機」的內外取向 (Intrinsic-Extrinsic) 連續軸。「靈性」(Spirituality)目標內涵在我國大學生認知中與其他較屬「身體自我」之目標內涵,例如「聯繫/親和聯繫/歸屬感」(Affiliation)、「自我接納」(Self-acceptance)等的特性是不同的,「靈性」獨自遠離其他目標內涵,位於第二個維度「自我超越」(Self-Transcendence)的另一極。環複結構的統計結果發現,各目標內涵能以類環複結構模式呈現,此結構將各目標內涵系統地作一環形的排列,兩個具有相似特質的變項在圓周上的位置會比較相近,性質相異的變項則在圓周上會有比較大的距離。儘管全體、男、女大學生在空間呈現結果有些微的差異,然全體、男、女大學生目標內涵之環複結構其模式上是相似的。 本研究乃翻譯改編國外學者的量表,唯台灣與西方國家對於目標的組成與內涵存在應有文化的差異與特殊性,建議未來研究者可以探索符合本國國情特性的本土化志向(目標內涵)模式並建構量表。本研究採用調查法,對於研究問題廣度的收取資料有其便利性,但無法深入探討我國大學生究竟有哪些欲追求的目標內涵、填答者填答的心理狀態或更深程度的想法等資訊,建議往後研究可透過內容分析或進行質化訪談等先驅性研究。未來研究者可將目標內涵觸角廣度擴大至與「快樂」、「幸福感」等變項關係的了解,將對於人類自由意識表達出其自我懷抱著對未來的憧憬、展望將來與希望的人生目標內涵之研究有更深入探究的可能性。最後,本研究建議各級學校也須加強靈性教育,使青少年達身、心、靈方面的統整。
Aspiration is one of the critical components of‘self’. Markus and Nurius (1986) adopt‘future self’ and ‘possible self’ to describe what adolescents choose for their future. Aspiration expresses one’s hopes, personal values, and so it refers to personal life goals which in term provide a function of motivation to shape people’s behaviors. Various aspirations may also be related to different stable traits/personalities because we observe different people possess dramatically different life goals. Many researchers (Grouzet, Kasser, Ahuvia, Dols, Kim, Lau, Ryan, Saunders, Schmuck & Sheldon, 2005; Kasser & Ryan, 1996; Schwartz’s, 1992) have examined contents of goals as a way of understanding how people organize their lives and the types of aims for which individuals strive. In this study, we use aspiration as the synonym for goal contents and the author aims to study whether Taiwan college students possess the goal contents drown from Western participants. Based on the self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000), Kasser and Ryan (1996) suggest that various goal contents specified by previous studies are scattered along an axis with one end as the ‘intrinsic’ goals (self-acceptance, affiliation, community feeling, and physical health fall in to this end) and the other, the‘extrinsic’ goals (financial success, image, and popularity). Grouzet, Kasser, Ahuvia, Dols, Kim, Lau, Ryan, Saunders, Schmuck and Sheldon (2005) examine literature on motivation and personal goals leading them to broaden arrays of goals in Kasser and Ryan (1996) for four additional goals. Three of which were inspired by Schwartz’s (1992) work on values (i.e., conformity, safety, and hedonic), and the fourth goal is ‘spirituality’ which often emerges as an important striving for people (Emmons, 1999). Together there are 11 life goals revealed in several psychological models and empirical studies of American college students. Three purposes of this study are, firstly, to translate and modify the Aspiration Index of Kasser and Ryan (1993, 1996, 2001) and Grouzet et al. (2005) for use by Taiwan college students. Secondly, the importance rating of and estimated chance of achieving various goals were compared between men and women. Finally, the relations and subjective categorization of 11 goals of Taiwan college students are sought. Nine hundred and seventy college students (532 female and 438 male) volunteered to participate in fall of 2007. They were presented with 57 different “goals that you may have for the future” and were asked to rate (1) how important each goal is to you and (2) how many chances that each goal can be achieved by you, on two scales ranging from 1 to 9. First, the proposed 11-factor structure of the Aspiration Index was examined by a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA); however, the proposed measurement model was failed. ‘Physical health’ was highly correlated with ‘safety’, so did ‘conformity’ and ‘popularity.’Therefore, these 4 factors cannot be distinctively identified and 2 compositional factors (‘Physical health/safety’ and ‘conformity/popularity’) were extracted. This finding suggests that only 9 types of goals were separated and organized in Taiwan college students. This 9-factor measurement model of Aspiration Index had acceptable internal reliability and the convergent validity and discriminant validity were proved to be acceptable as well. Second, Taiwan female college students paid much more attention to the goals of affiliation, self-acceptance, physical health/ safety and image; while males stress more on goals of hedonism. Males and females place the least weight on and estimate the least possibility to obtain the goal of spirituality which is obviously different from the results in the US university students. Third, to examine the spatial structure of relations among 9 goal domains two statistical techniques were used, (1) MDS analyses for the test of the hypothesized two-dimensional goal structure and (2) Browne’s (1992) circular stochastic modeling (i.e., CIRCUM; Browne, 1995) for the test of the circumplex component of the hypothesized goal structure. The results of the MDS analyses suggest that two dimensions best summarized the organization of the 9 goals. The perceptual map illustrates two dimensions, the first - intrinsic versus extrinsic. Five goals, affiliation, community feeling, physical health/safety, self-acceptance, conformity/popularity, were in the intrinsic end; while three other goals, financial success, image, and hedonism, are in the extrinsic end. Spirituality alone was singled out for the second dimension, self transcendent. In order to examine whether 9 goals organized themselves into a “circumplex structure”, the author hypothesized that they could be ordered along the circumference of a circle. No matter for the whole sample, female only, or male only, the relationships among goals can be orderly placed along the circumference of a circle. The spatial structure of the goals was very similar to the circumplex fashion in which some goals were relatively closer (more coherent) to each other whereas others were far apart (in conflict) from each other. The limitations and future directions of this study are in the following. First, because the samples came from some of the universities of Taiwan, it should be cautious to infer the results to other samples. Second, because the Aspiration Index was designed by Western researchers, it is possible that some goals that Taiwanese may pursue are different from the US college students. It would be worthwhile to develop an indigenized Taiwan version of Aspiration Index. Third, this study adopted survey method, so it provides merely quantitative descriptions of college students' personal life goals and their relationships. Thus, a further qualitative, interview study in the future is suggested. Fourth, it would be worthwhile to investigate how those goals relate to a variety of other psychological constructs (i.e., happiness, well-being), and how the importance that people place on different goals changes throughout the life span. Finally, spiritual issue becomes more and more important in modern Taiwan society in which conflict values approach this young generation. Colleges hardly include courses about spiritual issues in liberal art programs in the past 4 decades and it may need an alternation.
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