標題: 台灣機電空調無塵室業者經營中國市場之競爭策略研究-以A公司為例
A study of business competitive strategy of Taiwanese MEP & cleanroom provider in Mainland China- A company as example
作者: 梁進利
Chin-Li Liang
Wen Chieh Wang
關鍵字: SWOT;六力分析;競爭策略;SWOT;six force factor analysis;competitive strategies
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 台灣產業西進競相移轉至大陸設廠為一個不可擋的潮流與趨勢,台灣地區之機電空調無塵室產業過去都是以國內為其經營主軸,赴大陸發展固然有同文同種、語言生活習慣相近的優勢,但中國大陸有關的體制、法令、規章與台灣截然不同,而每一家到大陸投資的台商都希望創造成功的經營,故如何隨時隨地掌握當地法律實務、經營管理的策略與技巧,成為所關注的問題。本研究利用SWOT與六力分析,針對A公司在中國經營之競爭利基及因應策略提出建議作為該產業未來發展之參考。對欲進入大陸市場的經營策略建議:1.應具備危機意識,慎選進入模式2.採取團隊合作策略聯盟方式3.熟悉產業專業法規4.正派經營、務實面對當地稅務與帳務5.建立並善用人際關係6.慎選員工幹部,落實本土化策略7.培養國際化的工程能力,抓住大陸佈局契機。
It is almost an overwhelming tide for Taiwanese industrials to invest in China market as Taiwan used to be the main focus in the eye of MEP & Clean room industrial. Under the advantage of sharing the similar race, language and living style, however, huge differences do exist in the politic system, legal practices or regulation between each other. Therefore it is essential for Taiwanese industrial to have a clear understanding in their local legal practices, strategies and technique in business and management in order to construct a successful business in China. This study aims to provide some business strategies for industrials plan to invest in China market through analyzing “A” company’s strength, competitive strategies and coping approaches in China by the methods of SWOT analysis model and six force factor analysis. The result of this study has seven suggestions for those parties who want to invest in China: 1.Have crisis awareness and choose the most suitable way to start your business in China. 2.Apply teamwork and strategic alliance 3.be familiar with local industrial code and regulation 4.be honor with your tax and account 5.develop relationship and connection 6.select employees carefully with localization practice. 7.develop profession skills and capability .