標題: 觸控面板產業之競爭分析
The Competition Analysis of Touch Screen Industry
作者: 康惠瑄
Kang, Huei-Husan
Huang, Jen-Hong
關鍵字: 觸控面板;使用者介面;iPhone;Synaptics;五力分析;SWOT;Touch Screen;User Interface;iPhone;Synaptics;Five Force Model;SWOT
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 2007年,出現了火紅的電子產品,引來業界廠商廣泛的討論。由Apple所發行的iPhones 僅74天就售出了一百萬部。其中最引起話題的便是其新的觸摸螢幕界面功能,摒棄鍵盤,運用觸摸螢幕功能,是一種創新的方式,加上更為便利的多點觸碰(Multi-Touch)文字輸入,更是讓「觸控(Touch)科技」搶佔所有媒體的版面。據拓墣產業研究所預估,在iPhone的刺激之下,觸控面板在手機市場的滲透率將快速增長,2007年觸控面板產值達27億美元,預估2010年出貨量可達九千五百萬片。 觸控面板產品和技術源自軍事、國防用途,迄今已廣泛地被應用至各個消費性、商業性、公共性等相關系統產品上,觸控面板感測技術有很多種,其中電容式觸控面板是屬於價格昂貴但是性能最佳的產品,但是目前電容式觸控面板屬於寡占市場,本研究個案擁有電容式觸控面板關鍵製造技術,因此可以在觸控面板市場佔有一席之地。 本研究是一產業性分析之研究,產業分析的重點乃著眼於產業的前景、產業的未來發展方向及產業內的競爭情勢,並以此分析結果作為觸控面板產業全球競爭策略分析之前提。競爭策略之分析研究乃以五力分析架構為主,在初步了解觸控面板產業的上游供應、下游客戶、既有競爭者、新進入者及替代者的競爭態勢後,並佐以一家個案公司之經營策略,分析其優勢、弱勢、機會與威脅,使整體分析架構更為完整,以提供觸控面板產業業者未來發展之借鏡與策略上的建議。
One popular digital product launching in 2007 brings with a lot of discussions. Apple iPhone sold 1 million units within 74 days. The feature to catch people’s attention is touch screen. To touch screen directly instead of using keypad is a creative user interface. Furthermore, iPhone provided with Multi-Touch user inferface to create head-line news. According to Topology Research Institute, the penetration rate of touch screen in mobile market will be grew swiftly. The revenue of touch screen in 2007 is 2.7 billion US dollars, and it can be forecasted the shipment will be 95 million units in 2010. The technology of touch screen originated in military use, but it has been extensively applied to consumer, commercial, and public products. Touch screen can be made by some different kinds of technologies. Among the technologies of touch screens, the capacitive touch screen is with the best performance, and it is the most expensive product. There are limited producers in in touch screen dustry. This research is chosing one leading company as a study case. He has the critical core technology on hand, so he can keep leading postion in this industry till now. This industry research overviews worldwide industru landscape, future direction and competition analysis. The competition analysis uses Porter’s Five Forece Model as a base structure to unsderstand the touch screen’s suppliers, customers, competitors, new comers, substitute status, and then to use SWOT to analysize leading company’s strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat, finally to come out some suggested strategy for other vendors in touch screen industry.
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