Title: 一種數位煉金術
A Digital Alchemy
Authors: 呂世民
Shih-Ming Lu
Yu-Tung Liu
Chi-Yi Zhang
Xiang -Cheng Shi
Keywords: 一種數位煉金術;A Digital Alchemy
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 本論文以設計創作集成的方式呈現,共分為四個部分,分別由何以立老師、施向誠老師、張基義老師、劉育東教授、葉李華老師所指導,作品包含新空間策略的提出、都市意涵的探討、新空間宣言的提出、建築與平面創作的落實等等,簡單說明如下: 1.由大稻埕新與舊的觀察,提出個人心目中的烏托邦宣言,並落實於基地之上,提出空間改造的機會。 2.探討金籠子,一種對於自身束縛卻又接受於它的矛盾價值判斷,重新思考人與所處環境之間的「真實」。 3.以新竹這個城市的某個點為出發,觀察其中的紋理與架構,試著找出空間再造的策略。 4.透過實際參予的研究案及空間發表,將設計與實務結合,作為空間落實的實質表現。
This thesis is a portfolio based on design studios and projects, which is separated into four parts directed by Professor He, Professor Shi, Professor Zhang, Professor Liu, and Professor Ye. It is composed of presentation of new space strategy; research of urban contents, new space statements, architectural and graphic works, and so on. There are four main parts illustrating my ideas in this thesis as following: 1. By observing Da Dao Cheng, we want to propose the statement of utopia, carry out on the site and present the chance of space representation. 2. To confer the “golden cage”, a contradictory value judgment which constrains ourselves and has to accept it, represents the “truth” between people and their environment. 3. Based on somewhere in Xin Zhu, through observing lines and structures in this place, we try to find the possibility of space representation. 4. With actual work in research reports and projects published, we combine design theory and reality into a practicable space in a discriminating way.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文


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