Title: 以科技接受模式探究知識密集線上即時服務系統之價值
The Value of Real Time Service in Knowledge Intensive Business Service-from User’s Perspectives
Authors: 張容榕
Chang, Jung-Jung
Yang, Chyan
Keywords: 知識密集產業;線上即時系統;服務創新模式;電子化圖書館;Instant messaging (IM);Reference service;Digital library;Knowledge intensive business service
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 隨著新經濟時代的來臨,知識與資訊已成為創造組織價值的主要關鍵因素,其中具有高附加價值的「知識密集服務」也因之成為各界研究與關注的重點;是以,如何依據組織自身所屬之產業特質,設計出以滿足顧客需求為前提的組織創新活動,並能更深入地建構起持續創新的能力與環境,是為知識密集服務的提供者最迫切需要解決的問題與所欲達成的目標。本研究以傳統知識密集諮詢服務為研究主題,並以科技接受模式為主要分析方法,藉由觀察諮詢服務的特性以及專屬的知識特質,輔以線上即時系統作為服務流程創新的方式,做一深入的研究,試圖從中歸納出影響使用者接受線上即時服務的關鍵因素,希冀研究結果能提供相關知識諮詢服務產業參考。 研究結果發現,感知容易使用為服務接受者對於系統接受度的關鍵要素;此結果與採用科技接受模式的相關文獻一致;但其中值得注意的是,雖然使用者認為線上即時諮詢服務是有用的,但對系統使用的態度卻為負值,探究其主要原因,應為使用者對於服務提供者所抱持的期待與認知落差,以及服務提供者的軟、硬體設備之侷限性。此研究結果反應出使用者對線上即時服務的使用偏好與習慣,也提供了知識密集諮詢服務相關人員思考的方向,以利後續建構出最適使用者之服務模式。
The concept of knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) refers to business service firms that rely heavily on knowledge or expertise related to a specific field. KIBS supply their clients with intermediate products and services that are knowledge based. The goal of this study is to gather information from library patrons to answer the questions of whether real-time reference services (Instant Messaging, IM) are beneficial to patrons and how valuable they are to fulfilling their task needs. The study was designed to elicit information about how patrons were dealing with the rapidly changing technological environment, and how helpful they felt IM reference services were to them. The investigation uses the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the basic framework and extends it by the variable of Perceived Relevance (PR) which intends to extend understanding of the adoption of IM services. The sample consisted of three university libraries’ patrons on the basis of convenience, and 323 usable responses were obtained. This research found general support for TAM. Specifically, the findings show that perceived ease of use of IM services is the key factor for the patrons’ attitudes about the IM service. Overall, the model explained 58 per cent of the variance in behavior intention. Thus, the results show that the proposed model does satisfactorily explain the adoption of the IM service. The findings of this research provide some useful insights into a patron’s behavioral intention toward adoption of an IM service which will stimulate thought about real-time reference services that could be offered by other libraries. And it will be valuable for better understanding of factors affecting the determinants of IM acceptance, which allows libraries to devise more effective approaches to improving the patrons’ perceptions of a target system and thereby boost subsequent acceptance of the system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis