Title: 以產物保險制度降低企業經營風險、減少產業災害發生之研究
Reducing the Operation Risks and Industrial Accidents- from the Aspect of Utilizing the Mechanism of Property Insurance
Authors: 曾金虎
Chin-Hu Tseng
Dr. Chiun-Hsun Chen
Dr. Chien-Jung Chen
Keywords: 風險控制;風險評級;risk control;risk grading
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 工商企業的活動,主要在追求利潤的最大化,因此降低各項成本的支出及減少災害發生所致的損失,均是管理階層所重視的課題。企業營運所面臨的各種風險中,其財務方面的風險管理可透過產物保險的機制獲得適當的轉移與保障。但如何透過產物保險的機制來降低企業營運的風險及成本(保險費)的支出,甚至是否可以透過產物保險公司之損害防阻服務,來減少災害的發生、及損失的幅度,為本論文研究的課題。本論文的研究方法,首先提出目前產物保險公司對企業所進行之風險評估方式及其項目,其次說明進行損害防阻服務後所提出之改善建議事項。以三種不同產業類別來進行案例分析。之後以數個案例分析改善前與改善後風險評級的差異。由其差異性可明顯發現,經產物保險公司進行損害防阻服務及落實改善建議後,其風險等級確實獲得改善。最後以問卷調查方式對企業界進行相關議題的了解,及驗證該損害防阻服務確實受到企業界的重視與獲得應有的成效。 經問卷調查結果發現,對中小型企業(投保金額較少者,且大多屬傳統產業)而言,或許因成本考量,並無設置專責之風險管理部門,大多僅有工安部門甚至僅有廠務部門,且並無專責之風險管理人員。此時產物保險公司之損害防阻服務,對該公司而言,既可節省成本(因該服務屬免費性質),對工廠的安全又有實質的幫助,普遍而言均十分認同產物保險公司之損害防阻機制。而對較大型企業(投保金額較多者,以高科技產業佔多數)而言,因往年幾次嚴重災例的經驗,及各保險公司、再保險公司的要求(因影響保費費率),其公司管理階層近幾年來已逐漸重視風險管理,並紛紛成立專責之風險管理部門及專業人員。面對廠內複雜及多樣的各式風險,對產物保險公司之損害防阻需求更大,已不是符合一般地方性法規及工安標準為滿足,而需要更多、更新的資訊及專業知識(如國外的相關法規及新的風險管理系統等),甚至認為國外再保險公司之工程師才能滿足他的需求。因此可知道,對於中小型企業或傳統產業,其風險較不複雜及多樣化,國內產物保險公司之損害防阻工程師,或許已有足夠之專業與能力提供應有的損害防阻服務,但對於較大型企業或高科技產業方面之相關國外法規與專業,相信仍是有再加強的空間。
To maximize the shareholders’ benefits is the main purpose of business activities. Therefore, how to achieve cost-down efficiently and to minimize the losses generated from incidents caused shall be regarded as the most important tasks for all management. Among various corporate operation risks, companies can obtain financially relief by transferring most physical risks to property insurers. However, how to lower the operating risks and costs (including insurance expenses) by purchasing insurance policies to cover physical damages and utilizing the loss prevention services provided by insurers to minimize the probability and intensity of accidents properly are becoming more necessary and technical. In this thesis, it tries to use property insurers’ point of view to discuss the above. First, the work introduces local property insurance market, insurers’ underwriting processes and evaluation methods. After that, it talks about the contents of the loss prevention consulting service provided by local property insurance companies and then uses three different case studies in different industries to demonstrate how the engineers in insurance companies to conduct the loss prevention consulting services. To explore the functions and aftermath of the loss prevention consulting service, this work uses several real examples to show the difference in risk improvement after the insured adopt the engineers’ suggestions to improve their own risks by comparing risk level on insurance companies’ internal risk grading systems before and after the clients adopting insurance companies’ loss prevention consulting services. The results show that loss prevention consulting service provided by insurance companies could bring physical improvements in risk condition to their clients once their clients accept their recommendations to make physical changes to improve their safety management issues or facilities. Finally, this thesis conducts a survey to industrial facilities, who have had such services provided by insurance companies. According to the result of the survey, most small and medium enterprises do not have risk management departments for the cost reason, but have industrial safety divisions. Generally, such divisions are not professional enough and limited to manpower and equipment. In this situation, the insurance companies’ loss prevention engineering consulting teams seem more professional than their clients. By the survey result, the free loss prevention consulting services provided by insurance companies have won a positive reaction and good reputation from those small and medium companies. However, for the big industrial clients, especially for those in high-tech industry, the loss prevention consulting services provided by insurance company seem not as professional as them. Due to the industrial fire catastrophes occurred in Taiwan that brought huge losses to enterprises in recent years, lots of big companies have poured huge budgets to set up high level risk management departments and hire lots of professionals. The state-of-art loss prevention and control standards and technologies have been brought to Taiwan from those advanced industrial countries. As a consequcnce, few local insurance companies’ loss prevention engineering teams have the abilities to provide big companies the relatively high level consulting services. Therefore, there still be a long road for local insurance companies’ loss prevention engineers to learn even they have been recognized by most small and medium companies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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