標題: 台灣IC測試廠之經營管理-以P公司為例
A Study of Management of IC Testing House in Taiwan for P Company
作者: 吳家興
Wu, Chia-Hsin
Yuan, Chien-Chung
關鍵字: 經營管理;績效;測試廠;策略;關鍵成功因素;Managemnet;Performance;Testing house;Strategy;Key success factor
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 台灣半導體產業涵蓋IC(Integrated Circuit)設計、晶圓製造、封裝、測試形成一個完整的產業鏈,在世界半導體業中具有不可或缺的重要性,也是國內經濟發展重要的一環。根據IEK( Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center)統計,台灣IC 測試業在2010年產值 1251億元,2011年為1182億元。以2010年及2011年GDP(國內生產毛額)136142億元及137570億元來看,皆佔0.9%的GDP。 IC 須經由測試以確認其功能合於設計目標,方能使用於所組成的電子產品,因此IC測試業也是整個生產製造鍊中不可或缺的一環。 台灣提供IC測試的廠家有37家,其經營規模與獲利績效亦有顯著之差異。本文探討IC測試廠之經營管理,並比較經營績効優異之典範公司—P測試公司與其他台灣前4大廠之績效差異,並歸納出P公司之策略與關鍵成功因素以做為其他測試公司經營管理之參考。
The integrated chain of IC (integrated circuit) design, wafer fabrication, IC assembly and IC testing in the Taiwan semiconductor industry has an important global role and is a key sector of the Taiwan economy. According to the statistical data of the Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center, the ouput value of IC testing in Taiwan was NT$ 125.1 billion in 2010 and NT$ 118.2 billion in 2011. This output value constituted 0.9% of Gross Domestic Product for both 2010 (NT$ 13614.2 billion) and 2011 (NT$ 13757 billion). Because IC testing is essential for confirming that a product meets design goals, it is an essential process in the manufacturing chain. The 37 testing houses in Taiwan vary in scale and profitability. This study analyzes the management of IC testing houses in Taiwan by comparing performance between a paradigm company and four of the other top IC testing houses. The objectives are to identify the successful strategies and key success factors used by the paradigm company and to provide a management reference for other companies.