標題: 我國半導體設備通路產業之競爭策略分析---以帆宣科技股份有限公司為例
Strategic Analyses of Marketing Channels for Semiconductor equipment industry in Taiwan
作者: 莊旻璋
Juang Min Jang
關鍵字: 競爭優勢;競爭策略;核心資源;半導體設備通路產業;Competitive advantage;Competitive strategy;Core resource;Marketing channels, Distributors, Semiconductor equipments
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 摘 要 本論文研究之目的,在藉由產業分析及競爭策略分析,瞭解我國半導體設備通路業現況及未來發展趨勢,國內通路商競爭激烈,本土通路商又將面臨國際製造商競爭威脅,如何面對電子產業的快速變化及複雜不確定性,發展出獨特的競爭優勢,透過本研究之建議,提供國內業者未來發展利基之參考,本研究探究 一、專業分工的趨勢下,半導體設備通路商的價值何在? 二、競爭激烈的產業中,通路商獲利的關鍵、成功的關鍵為何? 三、通路商立足台灣、胸懷大陸、放眼全世界,成功的策略為何? 本研究架構經由產業分析與外部經營環境分析,做為產業競爭優勢及發展策略分析之基礎及前提,分析之理論基礎以五力分析及SWOT 分析架構,以瞭解台灣半導體設備通路產業的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,並藉由企業內部條件分析探討優勢之形成,將所蒐集的資料依分析架構彙整得到初步結果,並選定國內具代表性的半導體設備通路商(帆宣系統科技股份有限公司),藉由初、次級資料及訪談,分析其經營策略,提出完整研究報告並做成總結,據此為基礎提出對台灣半導體設備通路產業未來發展的建議。 本研究屬於定性(qualitative)的描述性研究(descriptive study),主要在探討我國半導體設備通路產業之競爭優勢及策略,其所探討之主題很難以量化的數據來評量,而需要研究者對產業環境做宏觀的整體檢視及針對特定研究樣本做微觀的個體檢視,藉由廣泛蒐集初級資料及次級資料,以瞭解產業現況、特性及趨勢,由外部環境分析及企業內部條件分析,探討競爭優勢的來源,並以企業個案來做為競爭策略之分析。 我國半導體設備通路產業未來策略發展重點如下: 一、建構及延伸核心能力。 二、建立一個全球半導體設備經銷網路。 三、持續擴大經濟規模。 四、提供客戶整體解決方案。 五、積極拓展代理新產品。
ABSTRACT This thesis’ purpose is for studying semiconductor equipment channel and market by industry analysis and competitive strategy analysis. In Taiwan, the semiconductor equipment vendors face the serious competition. Also they have to face the competition from international semiconductor equipment vendors. Therefore, It is key to develop a competitive strategy to face rapid change, unknown and complication of this industry. We hope through the suggestion of this thesis which could provide domestic semiconductor equipment vendors reference for developing the niche market. This thesis is study a. The trend of semiconductor equipment agent is to develop expertise technology. What is the value of semiconductor equipment channel? b. How to make profit and what is the key successful factor of semiconductor equipment agent? c. What is the successful strategy of Taiwan equipment agent and what is the future strategy? The thesis structures apply industry analysis and external business environment analysis. The analysis theories are SWOT and 5-force analysis to understand semiconductor equipment channel. Meanwhile, try to find out the competitive advantages by collecting the interview with Marketech Corp. and public information. This thesis is a qualitative and descriptive study. The main purpose is finding the competitive advantage and strategy of semiconductor equipment channel. Due to it is hard to apply mathematic method to do the research; we collect the first hand and second hand information to know this industry and future trend. We try to find the competitive advantage by analysis internal and external environment. Meanwhile, we apply the case study to do the competitive strategy analysis. The semiconductor equipment distributors should develop to differentiation business mode in the future: 1. Build and extend core capabilities. 2. Construct a worldwide distributors network. 3. Continuing expend the economic scale. 4. Provide the total-solution for customers. 5. Search for new products and new applications.


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