標題: 晶圓代工研究與未來發展分析
IC Foundry Business Research and Future
作者: 張惠林
Chang, Hui-Lin
Wang, Wen-Chieh
An-Ping Chen
關鍵字: 晶圓代工;半導體;Foundry;IC;semiconductor
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 我國半導體產業結構與其他國家之最大不同點為我國之專業分工體系,在該專業分工模式下,我國之半導體產業在全球擁有強勁之競爭力。台灣的晶圓代工在半導體的產業鏈中,上下游廠商間的垂直分工是半導體產業結構之一大特色,也是建構台灣高科技產業的技術進步與專業化能力提升之成功關鍵因素。 但是面對全球化晶圓代工,現今晶圓代工廠將採取如何之因應之道,將為本篇論文之探討。所以將從晶圓代工廠之崛起,發展,成功模式,目前所遇到的挑戰,與未來可能的走向,來說明之。面對大陸強而有力的山寨文化,成功模式的複製與發揚光大,是否有機會超越現今的晶圓代工廠,是否可能轉型,來加以探討。 目前成功之晶圓代工廠,其獨特之成功之道,來自於兩個層面:創新的經營模式與領先的製程技術。 在創新的經營模式方面:客戶服務導向與技術領先。在客戶服務導向方面,採取獨特的服務模式,與客戶建立夥伴的關係,如”你泥中有我,我泥中有你”,這樣的經營模式,搭配IT 技術,不進入IC 設計,以建立合作之夥伴的關係模式。在領先的製程技術方面:引用海外歸國學人所帶來的技術,良率的提升,研發部門精英團隊對製程技術的投入,以及製程探索部門對未來製程的掌握度,是先進製程技術保持領先的關鍵原因之一。因此有了創新的經營模式,客戶的信任在加上領先製程,可確定客戶並不會流失,且願意下單。 目前,Global Foundry, 韓系公司, 大陸廠的市占率並不高,有別於目前的現今晶圓代代工廠有成熟的12吋晶圓廠技術,大陸仍是以8吋晶圓廠為主。而大陸晶圓代工,仍是以海外訂單為主,所以將造成與現今晶圓代工互相競爭的狀態。同樣的,晶圓代工與晶圓設計的緊密關係,製程技術的成熟度,是否具備高良率生產的條件,是決定自身的競爭力條件。 面對Global Foundry, 韓系公司, 大陸廠代工之衝擊,可採取保守與突破的兩個方式。例如增加新事業,轉型,抑或將現今經營模式做進一步的創新。對於大陸晶圓製程仍落後現今晶圓代工廠的技術,如何不消弭這層技術上的差距,仍保持領先的姿態 ,牽涉到對於自身技術的保護。半導體產業, 40 年的發展,已屬於夕陽產業,新事業的發展,將對於已發展純熟的半導體產業,注入一盞強心劑。 本篇論文將研究晶圓代工之成功之道,對目前晶圓代工廠所造成的衝擊,做分析與探討。分析的角度分為是否對於晶圓代工的市占率,排名與布局有所改變。而探討的部分則包括因應之道及採取的策略。總結為晶圓代工廠之何去何從加以研究。
Taiwan semiconductor foundries led the way in the worldwide semiconductor history by their business models. The top two companies, the Taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company and United microelectronics have driven the vigorous development of scientific parks and owns 80% of the global foundry business. Many new companies; however, are growing worldwide. The relaxation of the cross-strait policy is threat to shift in the current wafer manufacturing industry. Many factors including the relationship between the wafer foundry and IC design, supply chain, and customer partnerships can determine the success of failure of a wafer manufacture. The technology process breakthrough and goods delivery times also determine customers order volume. Currently, successful foundries are descried on two levels; innovative business orientation and process technology leadership. TSMC uses a unique service model to establish a partnership relationship with customers, such as “you have my back and I have yours.”The foundry business creates a cooperation partnership model by manufacturing the customers’ designer request and staying away from independent IC design. Several factors are necessary to maintain the leading process technology in IC areas, including technology competiveness, superior product yield, an elite R & D team, a process exploration sector for the future process, and advanced process technology. Building up customer trust and a innovative business model are the keys to winning customer orders. Today’s foundry market is still dominated by Taiwan, the worldwide foundry companies such as Global Foundries, Korean companies, and mainland companies share the remainder of the market share. The mainland companies still produce 8-inch wafers and their order book is dominated by overseas orders. The core competiveness of foundry business is closely related with designs, the process maturity of the technology and the availability of high-yield production. Facing global competition, Taiwanese companies can adopt the non-conservative approach by forming an alliance with integrated device manufacturers. Taiwanese companies hold the technology leadership, and know that keeping the technology leadership important. The semiconductor industry has been developing for over 40 years like a sunset industry; a new business model development would revitalize the future semiconductor industry. This thesis examines the successful pure-play foundries in terms of their business models. The linkage between foundry and upstream/downstream industries is reviewed. We purpose that the non-pure play foundry is a more successful model based on the close relationship between the foundry and IC design; the possibilities of transformation of pure-play foundries to meet future market changes are discussed.


  1. 152501.pdf

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