標題: 鐵路沿線施工侵入行車空間之風險管理究
Risk Management Study of Accident Invasion in the Train Operating Space at the Railway Construction Site
作者: 陳俊男
Chen, Chun-Nan
Kam, Tai-Yan
關鍵字: 鐵路改建工程;風險管理;因果分析法;本質較安全;層級分析法;Railway Reconstruction Project;Risk Management;Cause-Consequence Analysis;Inherently Safer;Analytical Hierarchy Process
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 鐵路之立體化或地下化改建工程,具有減少公害、改善道路交通、消弭鐵路運行事故、空出土地提供公共空間規劃等效益,因此正積極推展中。目前全國進行之鐵路改建工程有屏東潮州、林邊、高雄、左營、沙崙、台南、嘉義、員林、台中、內灣、南港、基隆、花東電氣化及效能提昇等共14個計畫,其費用高、工期久、路線長、項目龐雜故風險極高,其中以緊鄰鐵路沿線施工,侵入行車空間造成觸電或火車碰撞之風險最高,應進行完善的風險管理以降低風險值。 故本文以鐵路改建工程為對象針對鐵路沿線施工時侵入行車空間含電氣化區間之風險項目,找出其中不可接受風險項目予以改善成可接受風險,方法以探究相關文獻並加上創新方法後建立風險辨識、分析、評估、改善、回饋等五項風險管理模式。 前述模式結合5W2H、失誤模式及影響分析(FMEA)、因果分析法(CCA)進行風險辨識及分析,將結果繪製成風險管制曲線圖找出風險最高項目,並利用本質較安全方法結合創意手法來建立改善方案,並用層級分析法(AHP)及考量表來進行最佳方案選擇,應用選定方案降低其風險值之後再予以評估,若為不可接受風險則回模式繼續進行風險管理,若為可接受風險則將過程及成果回饋工程安全設計,並應用於類似之工程項目。 本文使用前述步驟,對風險要項先提出監測儀器方案使風險大幅降低,再提出鋼構覆蓋或操作程序兩個改善方案,讓管理者可依成本、時程考量來選擇適用方案改善剩餘風險,最後使平均風險值由911降為16或45達20至56倍之驚人成果,研究結果有層階分明、因果明確、量化精準、改良有法、選案公正、功效宏大等六項優勢,值得推廣。
Three-dimensional or underground railway reconstruction project, with reduced pollution, improved road traffic, eliminated incidents of railway operations; Vacant land to provide public space planning and so on. So are moving ahead with the railway reconstruction projects. The ongoing project of the railway reconstruction has a total of 14 performance plan in Taiwan. They have high cost, long duration, long lines, items numerous, so risk very high, of which the highest risk of invade train operating space cause by electric shock and train crash when construction projects adjacent to railway, The Risk Management should be improved to reduce the risk value. Therefore, this paper targeted the risk items of railway reconstruction project invaded the train operating space included electric range, to identify which projects to improve the unacceptable risk into an acceptable risk, Method to explore innovative approaches to literature and to add after the establishment of risk identification, analysis, evaluation, improvement, feedback the five risk management model. Combination of the above model 5W2H, failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA), cause-consequence analysis (CCA) for risk identification and analysis, draw the Farmer risk assessment curve to identifying highest risk items, and the use of inherently safer method combines innovative approach to the establishment of improvement programs, and with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and consider the list table to make the best program selection, application programs reduce the risk of the selected value before it could be assessed as an unacceptable risk if the model is back to continue with risk management, if the acceptable risk for the process and outcome feedback engineering safety design, and applied to similar projects. This paper use the previous steps before this, the first item on the risk to make monitoring instrument program significantly reduce that risk, next plant out steel covered or procedures of two improvement programs, so that managers can consider cost or schedule to select the appropriate program to improve the residual risk, Finally the average risk value from the 911 to 16 or 45 has been dropped 20 to 56 times the amazing results, the results have class clear, cause and effect clear, quantitative precision, improved methods are good, Program of improvement for a fair, such as the Six grand effect, should be promoted .


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