Title: 感覺數字:運用實體使用介面於數字輸入之探索
Feel a Number: a Tangible User Interface for Number Entering
Authors: 王丕旭
Wang, Pi hsu
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
Deng, Yi-Shin
Keywords: 使用者經驗;使用者經驗設計;可觸式人機介面;數字;User experience;user experience design;tangible user interface;numbers
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本次創作之目的是在探討如何從使用者經驗的角度出發來重新設計數字介面。在現在人們的生活裡,到處都可以看見像是鍵盤這樣的數字介面,但不論是鍵盤中的機構設計,亦或是裡頭數字的排版設計,都是一種以使用性為主要考量下的設計結果,目的是讓我們能更加有效與快速的去輸入數字。而在過程之中,卻似乎忽略了其中人們對於數字的感受。像是當我們去商店裡買東西,在付款時,一千元與一萬元之間,我們對於那份數字的感受,態度甚至動作都是截然的不同,那為什麼在電腦上付款時,一千元與一萬元數字上的差別僅只是輕鬆的多按一下鍵盤而已?因此,本創作以人們輸入數字時的使用經驗為主要考量去重新發現於設計數字介面,在創作過程之中,先進行了使用者研究去探索可觸式介面的可能性與在輸入數字時和使用者經驗之間的關係。而為了能將這探索的結果應用於產品設計之上,將探索過程之中所得到的發現,整理成了一份設計建議表格,主要描述在以可觸式介面輸入數字時使用者所會得到的感受與該如何去進行介面上的設計。最後,將探索結果應用在產品設計上,重新再設計了提款機,鬧鐘與存錢筒三項產品的數字介面。
This paper is focus on how to design numeric interface in the user experience perspective. A keyboard is nowadays very common numeric interface which is designed with high usability. Although it could input numbers in a very quick and convenient way, but the user’s feelings of number is not concerned during the operating process. Numbers are not only very closely tied to our everyday life experiences and helpful for us to get into the situation but also affect our perception and behavior unconsciously. For example, it’s obvious to tell the different feelings from paying 1,000 dollars to 10,000, but in the digital world, the difference is just to type one more number on the keyboard. Thus, in order to enhance the user experience of inputting number, the exploration is conduct first with tangible user interface to discover how user experience be influenced by interface elements. Then the results of exploration would be summarized in four categories include emotion, abstract concept, affection and number. In order to apply exploration results to product design, the form of each item contains specific user experience and related design advices. Finally, the ATM, alarm clock and money box was redesigned with tangible user interface to enhance user experience of inputting number.
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