標題: 臺灣快閃記憶體控制晶片與成卡模組廠經營策略分析-以群聯電子公司為例
The Business Strategy of a Taiwanese Flash Memory Controller IC and Module Maker : A Case Study of Phison Company
作者: 劉東奇
Liu, D. C.
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
關鍵字: 快閃記憶體;控制晶片;成卡模組廠;經營策略;五力分析;SWOT分析;Flash memory;Controller chip;Flash card and module vender;business strategy;Five forces analysis;SWOT analysis
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 台灣快閃記憶體業者要如何將既有的商業模式予以創新、提昇顧客價值與服務內容,避開激烈的價格競爭,建構獨特的競爭優勢,其經營思維及策略佈局則是相當地關鍵。本研究探討的動機便是尋求國內快閃記憶體產業在晶片設計與成卡產業鏈的競爭優勢與機會。期盼能為業者提供成功經營的參考模式。 本研究以個案研究及訪談進行探討,個案探討對象為群聯電子。有關研究結論摘要說明如下: 一、群聯電子的核心競爭力 包括:(一)資產:1.自有封測試廠及銷售通路、2.實力專業人才多;(二)能力:1. 優異的控制晶片設計能力、2.與國際大廠策略聯盟之能力、3.供應鏈垂直整合之能力、4.開發新興市場的能力、5.成本掌控能力、6.運用資訊科技 二、台灣快閃記憶體業者在晶片設計與成卡產業的五力分析 包括:(一)、同業競爭程度強;(二)、供應商的議價能力強;(三)、顧客的議價能力並不差;(四)、替代品的威脅非常小;(五)、潛在進入者的威脅是隨時存在。 三、台灣快閃記憶體業者在晶片設計與成卡產業的優劣勢分析 包括:(一)、優勢 :1.專注本業與卓越的組織文化、2.優異的設計核心能力與系統整合能力、3.成功的營運模式、4.有效領導與組織運作順暢、5.策略聯盟與雄厚資金;(二)、劣勢:1.成卡營運易受記憶體顆粒價格波動的影響、2.成卡業務的球員兼裁判的矛盾、3.研發導向與製造導向組織可能的衝突與摩擦、4.組織是否跟上營運擴充的腳步;(三)、機會:1.隨身碟應用市場的快速成長、2.SSD與平板電腦的興起與成長、3.新興市場的興起與成長、4.記憶體顆粒的技術越複雜,越需要控制晶片的輔助;(四)、威脅:1.可能來自大陸新銳進入者的威脅、2.半導體記憶體技術的瓶頸將在8~10內發生、3.新型記憶體的潛在威脅、4.硬碟機的持續威脅 四。群聯電子的經營策略 目前既有經營策略,包括:1.同時跨足控制晶片IC設計及成卡製造領域;2.協助記憶體顆粒廠商除錯來獲得最新NAND Flash產業生態;未來可行經營策略,包括:1.往國際化進行佈局,國際化和全球運籌佈局是群聯電子有待改善的領域;2.應該現在就佈局 embedded Flash的控制晶片相關設計及NAND Flash Controller IP才能有效因應未來技術與產業環境的變遷。
As a Taiwan flash memory controller manufacturer, it is very critical to understand how to create innovative business model、how to promote customer value and in what way to raise service quality to avoid the severe price competition and to construct the unique competitive advantage. The purpose and motivation of the thesis is to seek the competitive advantages and opportunities of Taiwan NAND Flash controller chip and memory card industry. I hope this research can provide the reference of a successful practice for them. We conduct the thesis by two methods, one is case study of Phison and the other one is expert interview method. The following are the brief research result. 1. Phison core competition Resources:a).Own the card manufacturing factory and market channel、2.Lots of professional employee;b).Ability:1. Superior controller chip R&D ability、2. 1.The ability to forge a strategic alliance with international tier-1 memory provider、3. The ability to integrate supply chain、4.The ability to develop in the emerging market、5.The ability to reduce the cost、6. Well-utilize of IT application. 2. Five forces analysis of controller chip and card business in Taiwan flash industry a).Intensive competition within the industry;b).Strong bargaining power of suppliers;c).Strong bargaining power of customers;d).Less threat of substitute products;e).Threat of new entrants existing concurrently。 3. SWOT analysis of Taiwan flash industry in controller chip and card business. a).Strength :1.Centralized industry & remarkable organization culture、2. Outstanding design & system integration core competencies、3.Successful business model、4. Effective leadership & flexible organization operation、5. Strategy alliance & abundant fund;b).Weakness:1.Card business is subject to fluctuation of memory price、2.The card business salesmen’s contradiction as being both player & referee、3.The possible confliction between design oriented & manufacturing oriented division.、4. Does an organization can operate smoothly after rapid business expansion? c).Opportunity:1.The dramatic growth of the USB application market、2. The growth of SSD & Plate computer、3. The development of an emerging market、4. The function & assistance of the controller is very important when the memory chip technology becomes more complex.;d).Threat:1.Possible threat of new entrants from China、2. The bottleneck of the semiconductor memory technology will occur in 1 decade、3. The potential threat from new memory technology、4.Continuous threat from HDD. 4. The business strategy of Phison The current business strategy of Phison are:1. Simultaneously conduct the control chip IC design business and card manufacturing business;2. Help the memory chip of tier-1 vender debug to get the spec. of new generation NAND Flash chip;the possible business strategy in the future are:1. Suggest to carry out the internationalization and global logistics which Phison needs to improve;2. Suggest execute the research and the development in the embedded Flash control chip and NAND Flash Controller IP to overcome the technology change and industry environment change in the future.