Title: 拉伸介面合成樂器設計與實作
Design and Implement of Elastic Interface Synthesizer
Authors: 劉哲瑋
Liu, Che-Wei
Tseng, Yu-Chung
Keywords: 直接數位合成法;電子合成樂器;電壓控制震盪器;橡膠彈力拉伸;新介面合成樂器;Direct Digital Synthesis;Voltage-Controlled Oscillator;Elastic Rubber;New interface synthesizer
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究為創意發展的獨特性合成樂器,使用Arduino經由Direct Digital Synthesis(簡稱DDS,直接數位合成法)實作新介面電子合成樂器。主要系統架構中的控制在於Voltage Controlled Oscillator(簡稱VCO,電壓控制震盪器)技術,連續的電壓週期頻率,做為電子合成樂器發聲的主要控制部分。VCO能即時產生六種波形,基本的波形除了正弦波(Sine wave)外還有方波(Square wave)、鋸齒波(Sawtooth wave)、三角波(Triangle wave)、反鋸齒波(Ramp wave)及噪音(Noise)。使用自創式的彈力拉伸為主要的操控介面,主要操控頻率與調變參數;因彈性拉伸材質的特性,可做拉伸、扭曲的動作,並配合VCO的技術控制高低頻率的效果。此外可搭配音量踏板,當持續加壓可使得音色有強弱變化。透過MIDI或電壓控制的I/O可連結其他的類比及數位合成樂器,更豐富了合成樂器的奇特音色。製作過程中以DIY(Do It Youself)的方式進行,降低電子合成樂器的製作成本,融合各種電子合成樂器的特點,發展獨特的新介面電子合成樂器。 論文架構第一章節為研究動機及目的,第二章為文獻探討,蒐集與探討從古至今的電子樂器,並吸收各個電子樂器的優點。第三章為本研究系統之架構。第四章為實作系統之方法。第五章為總結,呈現成果並且提出未來發展及改進目標。
In the research, Arduino and the Direct Digital Synthesis(DDS)are used to create the elastic interface synthesizer. Elastic rubber, the main control interface, are employed for the framework of VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator)system to control the frequency and modulation index via the characteristics of being stretched of the rubber. The synthesizer can produce six kinds of waveform(square wave, sawtooth wave, triangle wave, reversed sawtooth wave, sine wave and noise)in real time, it also provides various functions via patching. You can synthesize the timbre by Frequency Modulation, Delay Function and Logic Function. The voltage and MIDI messages can be used to link with other commercially available analog synthesizers and digital musical instruments. The goal of the research is to produce a low cost synthesizer, to develop an instinct-controlled, unique new interface instrument. The thesis contents: Chapter 1: Research motivation and the purpose. Chapter 2: The literature of electronic musical instruments. Chapter 3: System architecture. Chapter 4: Methods of implementation. Chapter 5: Summary and future work.
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