Title: 中醫服務市場的核心競爭力研究---以某中醫診所為例
The Competitive Strategy Study of Chinese Traditional Medicine Service ---K Clinic for example
Authors: 謝錦全
Hsieh, Chin-Chuan
Chen, Guang-Hua
Keywords: 中醫;中醫診所;競爭策略;SWOT;Chinese Medicine;Chinese Medicine Clinic;Competitive Strategy;SWOT
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 當全球醫療以西方醫學體系為主體遇到不小的困難,如針對慢性病或疑難雜症之局限性等均無法獲得良好的解決,中醫所代表的養生預防醫學及其對疑難雜症的客製化能力,均可以對現有問題獲得良好的解決。但執行中醫服務的主角中醫診所,雖為數眾多,但目前規模都不大,若想解決目前以西醫為主體的醫療所留下之問題實屬困難,更遑論將來建立以中醫為主體之醫療體系。 本研究以中醫服務市場為主體,以各種管理學上的競爭策略為研究方法,思考K中醫診所應以何種策略擴大中醫服務市場,最後選Weihrich 的SWOT分析理論做分析,嘗試定出K中醫診所的競爭策略,朝企業化發展並進而進軍國際之策略研究。
In worldwide, the western healthcare system encountered many difficulties such as the chronic or incurable diseases, etc. Instead, Chinese medicine can provide the solution on preventive knowledge and customized curable recipe for each one. Although there are many Chinese medicine clinics existed in the healthcare market, the Chinese medicine clinics’ scale are all small compared to the current western healthcare hospitals or clinics. It is hard for them to fix the problems which remained by western healthcare. Not mentioned to create their own healthcare system. In this study, thinking about the strategy to enlarge the Chinese medicine service market and how the Chinese medicine clinics to survives in the full competition market through Weihrich SWOT analysis are the major purpose of this paper. In addition, try to propose the competition strategy of K-Chinese medicine clinics to enter international towards enterprise development is another purpose.
Appears in Collections:Thesis