標題: 我國藥品物流業關鍵成功因素之研究
A Study of Key Success Factors for Pharmacy Logistics
作者: 卓俊吉
Jiun-Ji Juo
Cheng-Min Feng
Kai-Jie Jia
關鍵字: 藥品物流;關鍵成功因素;主成分分析法;Pharmacy Logistics;Key Success Factors;Principal Component Analysis
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 台灣的醫療用品流通市場主要包括了大型醫院、診所、藥局(含超市、藥妝店),根據行政院衛生署的統計,目前全國登記約有醫療院所600多家,診所9,000多家,藥局12,000多家。面對如此大規模的醫療用品市場,各醫療院所、藥局,都希望能在這競爭激烈的產業中求得生存,為求整個存貨成本的降低以及對於市場需求有著更精準的預測,專業的藥品物流也因應而生。本研究旨在探討藥品物流業之關鍵成功因素,找出影響物流業者經營關鍵,並給予未來藥品物流模式提供建議。 本研究之問卷調查對象為藥品物流中的供應端—製藥廠、藥商及需求端—醫院、藥局、診所,調查內容包括受試者的基本資料及對於藥品物流中各項細節的重要性認知程度。 本研究運用因素分析法中的主成分分析,針對問卷中的30個問項加以分析,萃取出貨品相關服務、高效率的客戶服務、週邊相關服務、訂單程序、運輸相關服務、緊急應變能力6個構面,其中「緊急應變能力」跟「貨品相關服務」這兩項是受試者認為較為重要的因素,而這兩點所代表的藥品需要高時效性及高度配送正確率,正好符合藥品物流不同於其他物流之特性。另外問卷調查顯示,高達四成的受試者認為,目前的藥品物流模式效率低落,建議藥品物流中的成員,應盡速協調、規劃,建立起一套標準的運送模式,方能有效提升工作效率、並把整體成本壓低、進而提升供應鏈成員的滿意度,以達到雙贏局面。
The circulation places of medical products in Taiwan have hospitals, clinics and drugstores (including supermarkets and cosmetics medicine stores). According to the statistics of Health Department, there are approximately 600 hospitals, 9000 clinics and 12000 drugstores in Taiwan. Facing this large-scale of medical products market, every hospital, clinic and drugstore wants to survive in this competitive industry. They need more reliable forecast in market demand to reduce the whole inventory cost. Thus, professional pharmacy logistics has been produced. The purpose of this study is to explore the key success factors of pharmacy logistics industry, to find out key points of the operation and management, and to provide comments to the future pharmacy logistics model. The respondents of this study’s questionnaire are pharmacy manufacturers (which are supply side in pharmacy logistics), hospitals, clinics and drugstores (which are demand side in pharmacy logistics). The questionnaire’s subjects contain the basic information of respondents and the recognization of importance level of pharmacy logistics details. This study uses Principal Component Analysis to analyze the 30 questions in the questionnaire and extracts six factors, which are “merchandise service”, “efficient customer service”, “other related service”, “procedure of order”, “transportation service”, and “ability to handle emergency”. Among these six factors, “ability to handle emergency” and “merchandise service” are the two factors that respondents think they are most important. These two factors imply that pharmacy need high delivery efficiency and accuracy. According to the result of questionnaire, more than 40% respondents believe that existing pharmacy logistics is inefficient. We suggest that members in pharmacy logistics should create a standard delivery model soon. After doing this, they can promote work efficiency, reduce whole cost and promote satisfaction of members in supply chain.


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