Title: 次微米互補式金氧半鎖定及基座偏壓產生器
Submicron CMOS Latch-up and Substrate Bias Generators
Authors: 周業輝
Yeh-Huei Jou
Ming-Jer Chen
Keywords: 次微米;互補式;金氧半;鎖定;偏壓;Submicron;Complementary;MOS;Latch-up;Bias
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract:   本論文主要在探討次微米互補式金氧半的『鎖定效應』,從其物理特
們利用半導體元件模擬軟體 MEDICI, 模擬了各式各樣的結構。在固定製
程參數下,改變磊晶層的厚度、n+/p+ 間的距離、基座偏壓...等,試圖來
。並針對鎖住點附近的物理特性類似 p-i-n 結構, 從中推導出鎖住電壓
的模型。另外,我們在國際間鎖定的標準量測規範下, 建立了一套鎖定的
The essential study of this thesis is on the submicron CMOS
latch-up effect. We can draw a general understanding of the
physical characteristics of latch-up, with an aim to raise the
holding voltage for meeting the industrial requirements. Thus,
we utilize the semiconductor device simulator MEDICI to analyze
various configurations. Under the fixed process parameter, we
change the epitaxial layer thickness, n+/p+ spacing, substrate
bias...etc, in order to raise the holding voltage. Further, we
separate the latch-up curve into the "three sub- regions/two
points" based on the simulation results.Thus various physical
parameters can be extracted for study and analysis. In the
vicinity of holding point where the physical mechanism is like
a p-i-n diode structure, we have derived a holding voltage
model. On the other hand,by following the international
standard latch-up test guidelines, we set up a latch-up test
system and methodology. At the same time, we propose a design
rule for latch-up robustness. In substrate bias generator, we
utilize charge pumping principle, and design and fabricate a
set of bias generator to support on chip a positive/negative
bias. Applying it to the CMOS chip will raise the holding
voltage efficiently.
Appears in Collections:Thesis